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Remuneration policy Alpina Group

Alpina is part of Alpina Group. The organization consists of several companies that currently still have their own pay policies and, in some cases, their own pay buildings. Employees who now join Alpina Group are remunerated from the company for which they come to work.

Part of Alpina Group's development is the harmonization of working conditions. For example, fringe benefits have now been harmonized. Alpina Group is now working toward a centralized remuneration policy for the entire organization. This group-wide controlled remuneration policy will not contain any incentives that could lead to negligence or carelessness towards clients. This includes any variable remuneration components, such as bonuses, which will comply with the Financial Companies Remuneration Policy Act (Wbfo).

Under this newly developed remuneration policy, certain positions may be eligible for variable remuneration. The targets to be achieved or deliverables that will allow employees within Alpina to receive variable remuneration will be defined as achievable and realistic. These do not encourage (high) risk-taking in the sale of products/services, take customers' interests into account and are in line with the organization's business strategy and values.

In the run-up to the harmonization of the central remuneration policy, we ensure that all Alpina Group units comply with the legal framework. If any deviation from the intended remuneration policy is identified, we take this up with those involved to bring it in line with the harmonization.

October 2023

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