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Home About Alpina Services Guide Alpina

Services Guide Alpina

Our service manual can also be downloaded as a PDF.

Our firm's services are governed by the Financial Supervision Act. One of the requirements of this law is that we provide you with timely information about who we are and how we work.

Who are we?

Lorentzlaan 4
3401 MX IJsselstein

PO Box : 63, 3400 AB IJsselstein
Chamber of Commerce number : 72699396
AFM number : 12020690
KIFID number : 100.000.471

How can you contact us?

Phone: 088-6883700
E-mail: info.online@alpina.nl
Internet: www.alpina.nl
Chat, Whatsapp, Messenger: www.alpina.nl/customer-service/contact
Visit by appointment for complex and/or business insurance.

Our services

The size of our firm allows us to serve you in a broad area. The consulting areas of our office include:

  • Personal Benefits
  • Employee Benefits
  • Non-life
  • Income insurance
  • Health insurance

Our firm has no obligation to place financial products with one or more financial institutions. We are therefore completely free in our choices and information and therefore completely objective and independent. Alpina has been part of the Voogd & Voogd Group B.V. since 2018, which also includes the authorized agents Voogd & Voogd Verzekeringen B.V. and Nationale-Nederlanden Verzekeren Services B.V. Our services are governed by Dutch law.

Wide choice of offerings

The Netherlands has hundreds of providers in the field of financial services. It is not possible to request quotations from all these providers for every financial service. Therefore, based on performance measurements and developments in the market, we periodically select for you those institutions which, in our opinion, offer the best price/performance ratio. At your request, we will gladly provide an overview of the providers we include in our advice.

Our reward

If you take out non-life insurance or consumer credit, we receive compensation from the provider for the costs we incur. For our other activities, we charge our fee directly to you. We make agreements about this prior to the provision of our services.


We come into contact with a lot of confidential data. We use this data only for the purposes described in our privacy statement. We attach great importance to protecting your privacy. Personal information is therefore treated with the utmost care.

Professional indemnity insurance

We do everything in our power to look after your interests. But if we do make a mistake, you should never suffer as a result. That is why we have taken out professional liability insurance. This gives you extra security.

Our remuneration policy

All employees in our company have a fixed salary in line with the market. Our employees are challenged and evaluated on their integrity, soundness and customer-focused behaviour. The remuneration of our employees is determined on the basis of this assessment. The remuneration of our employees is not influenced by the number of advices given or by the number of financial products they mediate in.

We need your cooperation:

We depend on the information you give us to provide our services. Therefore, we ask you:

  • Information on all current insurance policies, including those with other parties;
  • Information about changes (such as; moving, divorce, birth, major expenses on your home);
  • Check documents received from us for accuracy;
  • Review the information received from us.

No advice:

Should you purchase insurance through our website, there is no advice involved. If you would like advice, please contact us. Since there is no advice involved, online insurance is Execution Only. If you have any doubts about coverage, conditions or other matters, please do not hesitate to contact us. We accept no liability for any loss you may suffer as a result of the choices you make when taking out insurance.


The quality of our services is largely based on the quality of our employees. Therefore, we continuously invest in them. In addition to years of experience, our employees have gained a lot of theoretical knowledge. Employees of our office, for example, are in possession of the relevant insurance diplomas. This knowledge is kept up-to-date through both internal and external training courses.


We do our best. But it may still be that you are not satisfied with our service. You can report this by telephone or in writing for the attention of the management. You will receive a response as soon as possible. If we cannot work it out together, you can submit your complaint to the Financial Services Complaints Institute in The Hague (www.kifid.nl). This is an independent complaints body to which we are affiliated.

Version 7-2021

We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email

Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

Contact us