Are you allowed to drive a car with medical restrictions?
A driver's license authorizes you to drive a motor vehicle, but do medical restrictions affect it? Can you drive a car if you have occasional epileptic seizures?
There is a reason why there are strict requirements for driving a car or other motor vehicle. One mistake can cause dangerous situations for yourself and other road users. Before getting a driver's license, you must first fill out a questionnaire with health questions. The answers allow the Central Bureau of Motor Vehicles (CBR) to assess whether you are physically and mentally able to safely participate in traffic. Medical restrictions may prevent you from getting the driver's license.
Do medical restrictions affect driving ability?
Driving a motor vehicle is difficult enough with the crowds and confusing traffic rules. Certain conditions and illnesses can make driving a motor vehicle too dangerous. This may be the case if you sometimes cannot control your body. A physical disability can also affect your ability to drive. Consider, for example, missing a hand or a foot. Therefore, before the driving license is issued, the CBR asks questions about your physical and mental condition.
What medical restrictions must you report?
These are conditions and diseases that affect driving ability. The extent to which you have them also plays a role. You would be wise to contact the CBR if in doubt. Common health issues that affect driving ability are:
- Autism
- Dementia
- Diabetes
- Parkinson's
- Absence of limbs
- Other functional limitations
Would you like more information about when you may or may not drive? For this we refer you to the CBR website.
What if you conceal things?
Recently, the court ruled in a case where something was concealed when filling out the form. A woman suffers from epileptic seizures. During a seizure on the road, she killed two people. The judge handed the woman a six-month prison sentence and she lost her driver's license for five years. This is because the woman knew that with her medical restrictions she was taking an irresponsible risk by driving a car. According to the CBR, she did not fill out the form truthfully in the past.
What about a later condition or illness?
At the time of getting your driver's license, you may be healthy, but what about if you later develop medical restrictions that affect your ability to drive? There is no reporting requirement established by law, but that does not mean that you are not then to blame. If you know that your impairment or condition affects your ability to drive, you can fill out a health declaration at the CBR. They can find out whether you are still safe to drive. The examination may also reveal that you are allowed to drive a motor vehicle, but with modifications to the car, for example.
Do you doubt whether your medical restrictions affect your ability to drive? Get information about this from the CBR.
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