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Car Does your current insurance still fit your car?

Does your current insurance still fit your car?

3 min reading time

Personal situations change. Therefore, your car insurance coverage may no longer fit your current situation. Cars naturally get older, so the daily value decreases every day. Perhaps you chose all-risk coverage when you purchased car insurance, but the coverage now no longer fits the value of the car. There are also other things to watch out for. Using the points below, you can check if your current insurance still fits your car.

Note! Not all items listed need to apply to your car. You can check this on your policy schedule.

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Is coverage still desired?

Choosing the right auto insurance is more than just comparing premiums. In the event of a claim, it makes a big difference which coverage you chose. It may have been some time since you purchased your car insurance. As a result, the insurance you purchased then may no longer fit your car. Perhaps you have too much coverage compared to the car's daily value. The daily value is calculated based on a number of factors. Read more >

Is the usage still correct?

When taking out car insurance, you must specify whether you use the car privately or for business. Did you know that commuting falls under private use? Because more miles are driven on business, business car insurance is often more expensive than private car insurance. Also, sometimes there are changing drivers, which is taken into account with business car insurance. With private car insurance, you have to declare the regular driver yourself. There are several risks associated with not providing the correct regular driver, such as: an increased deductible for young drivers, damage/loss registration in the name of the policyholder, possibly even removal of the insurance and no payment/refund of the damage. Read more >

Is the alarm system adequate?

Which type of alarm system the insurer requires depends on several factors. The Kiwa SCM Foundation has divided the different types of alarm systems into five different security classes. Which security class your insurer requires depends on which car insurance you have. You can find this on the policy and clause sheet you received from your insurer. Read more >

Has the alarm system not expired?

When you purchase a immobilizer, car alarm and vehicle tracking system, you will receive a KIWA SCM (Foundation for Certification of Motor Vehicle Security ) certificate that is valid for three years. After that, you need to have your car security checked every year at a recognized company to be reimbursed for any damage. Make sure your alarm system has not expired. Read more >

Settling VAT

Car insurance is normally done on the basis of the catalog value of the car. When insuring a business car, you can offset the VAT. The catalog value is then reduced by the VAT. You can thus qualify for a lower premium on your car insurance. Read more >

Calculate your car insurance premium right away!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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