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Car rainfall

Damage from heavy rain: what does your insurer cover?

2 min reading time

Increasingly, our country is being plagued by periods of heavy rainfall. This rainfall can lead to leakage or flooding, which in turn results in damages. These water damages, whose damage amounts are often high, are the nightmare of many a car and home owner. Therefore, it is good to know if your car insurance, home contents insurance and building insurance cover this type of water damage.

Water damage to your home from below

Very heavy rainfall resulting in flooding may cause your basement to flood. On contents insurance, you are covered for damage to the belongings that were in the basement. If the walls of the basement are also damaged, you can recover this damage from the building insurance. However, you should note that you must be able to demonstrate how the water entered the basement. For example, damage caused by water that entered the basement through the ground will not be compensated.

Water damage to your home from above

During heavy rainfall, water can sometimes get under the roof tiles. This can cause moisture spots in the ceiling or wall. On your building insurance policy, you are covered for this type of damage. However, water damage caused by an open window is not covered. Also, damage caused by water getting through the wall is not covered on your building insurance.

Water damage to your car

Flooding caused by extreme rainfall can also cause various types of damage to your car. You can think of damage to the interior, battery or engine of the car as well as short circuit or eye damage. However, you are not always insured for this type of damage. If you have chosen only third-party coverage, you will not be paid for water damage. If you have chosen a WA+ limited Casco or WA+ full Casco (All-risk) coverage, you will also not receive a standard payment.

In the policy conditions, insurers often impose additional requirements. For example, insurers often require that the water damage be caused by natural forces. Water damage caused by a technical cause, such as a burst water pipe, is often not compensated. However, damage caused by a technical cause can often be recovered from a third party. If you have taken out legal assistance insurance with your car insurance, you can get legal help in recovering this damage.

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