Moving house: what to do about your insurances?
If you are moving, you are facing a busy period in which a lot of arrangements need to be made. Our customer service employees notice that many customers forget to pass on a change of address during this busy period. Unfortunately, this can have major consequences. We explain to you what needs to be arranged in terms of insurance when you move house.
Home and contents insurance
If you are moving, it is wise to make a new comparison for your home and contents insurance. When you move, the premium for these insurances almost always changes. With buildings insurance you insure all the things attached to your house. For a rented house, this insurance is not necessary. With contents insurance you insure the value of your possessions. To avoid underinsurance, it is important that the insurer knows the current value of the contents.
Life insurance
If you are going to buy a house, life insurance is usually mandatory. Through our internet site you can easily and quickly compare term life insurance. If you already have term life insurance, check that it matches your mortgage. Also, always check that you are not paying too much and might be much better off with another insurance company. It can take several weeks for your term life insurance to be fully settled.
Car and motorcycle insurance
Your home address greatly affects the premium of your auto and motorcycle insurance. If you move house, you must notify us of the change of address within 14 days of the key exchange. We, as your intermediary, will then pass on the new address details to the company. Please note that failure to pass on a change of address may affect the claim payment in the event of a claim. It is also wise to check whether you are still getting the best deal with your current insurance company with your new address. Making a new comparison can save you a lot of money. If you want to change insurance companies, please contact our customer service.
Mail to the correct address
Communicating a change of address also ensures that you don't miss any mail sent to you from the company. Think of green cards and policy sheets. Should the collection of your insurance premium not have gone well, reminders are also often sent by mail. Unfortunately, from time to time, reminders are sent to customers' addresses that are not current. Chances are that these customers then find out very late that the insurance premium has not been paid and coverage has already been suspended.
Communicating a change of address
Providing your current address information ensures that you are properly insured and that you actually receive all the documents sent to you by your insurance company. You can easily and quickly make a change of address in your own digital policy folder. If you do not yet have a digital policy folder, you can activate your policy folder online.
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