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When can you insure a car as a vintage car?

3 min reading time

Cars that fall under the definition of vintage cars are inexpensive to insure. The annual premium is very different from the premium you are used to pay for the car you use every day. What we can do for you and what the conditions are we would like to inform you about.

If you have a car in your name, you must also insure it. It does not matter whether you use the car on public roads or not. For a vintage car there is also the obligation to have at leastthird-party liability insurance. Does your car meet the conditions to be insured as a vintage car? Congratulations, you can save a lot of money.

What are the requirements for vintage car insurance?

Many insurers allow you to insure your car as a vintage car starting at an age of 25 years old. At Alpina.nl we already have the option for cars as young as 20 years old. One condition is that it is a second car. So you must also have a car for daily use. There is also a restriction on the number of miles you drive with it annually. Insurers state that the car is driven a maximum of 5,000 kilometers per year. Other insurers are a little more generous in this regard and assume a maximum of 7,500 kilometers per year.

Can you also insure a vintage car with hull insurance?

In addition to the compulsory third-party insurance, you can also insure the car with hull insurance. An appraisal is necessary. The value to be insured must be determined. This includes the maintenance of the car, the year of construction and the type of car. The rarity of the car also plays a role for the appraised value.

What types of coverage can you choose?

The forms of coverage correspond to the forms you know from regular auto insurance. You can choose between the following forms:

  • Third-party insurance - In the event of an accident, this insurance pays for damages to the other party
  • WA + Limited casco - In addition to the coverage in the WA insurance, this insurance also pays out for damage caused by, for example: fire, hail, storm and theft
  • WA + Casco (all-riks) - Damage to your own car is also covered.

Calculate what vintage car insurance will cost you

With the license plate number at hand, you can already calculate what vintage car insurance costs with us. We compare dozens of insurers, so you get the best conditions at the lowest price. Do you already have insurance for your vintage car? Chances are you can save substantially on the premium. We offer the additional advantage that you can pay monthly with us.

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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