18 years old: which insurances are needed?
When your child reaches the age of 18, he or she is officially an adult. With reaching this age come a number of new responsibilities. For example, starting at age 18, your child is financially responsible for himself or herself, your child may drive a car independently, and he or she is eligible to vote. But what about insurance? We list for you which insurances your 18-year-old child will need.
Health Insurance
When your child turns 18 years old, he or she is required to purchase their own health insurance. This insurance must start on the first day of the month after a person turns 18. For example, if your child turns 18 on May 10, the health insurance must start on June 1.
Car Insurance
From the age of 18 your child, if of course he or she has a driver's license, may drive on the road independently. Perhaps your child will want to drive your car. If your child is going to drive your car, we strongly recommend that you let us know. We will then determine whether or not your car insurance policy needs to be adjusted to ensure that your car insurance policy provides coverage even when your child is driving.
Funeral Insurance
From his or her 18th birthday, your child can purchase his or her own funeral insurance. The younger a person is when he or she takes out funeral insurance, the less premium he or she has to pay. Perhaps your child is already co-insured on your own funeral insurance policy. In this case, it would be wise to see if it would not be more advantageous if your child takes out funeral insurance in his or her own name.
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance insures your child for damages he or she causes to another. It covers not only damage to property, but also bodily injury. If you already have liability insurance, your child is often co-insured on your policy until his or her 27th birthday. The condition is that your child lives at home or is a student living away from home. It is wise to always check your policy conditions to see if this applies to your situation.
Living away: contents insurance
Starting at age 18, many children move out of the house. When your child moves out of the house, it is important that he or she purchase contents insurance. Contents insurance covers all items in the home or student room against fire, theft and storm damage. A student living away from home can often get contents insurance for as little as a few dollars a month.
Living away: legal expenses insurance.
As your child matures, he or she may become involved in a conflict. This could be at work, in traffic or with the landlord, for example. If your child takes out legal assistance insurance , he or she can get legal help in conflicts. If you already have legal assistance insurance, your child can remain co-insured under your insurance policy after his or her 18th birthday.
Is your child turning 18?
If your child will be turning 18 soon, please take a moment to contact our customer service team. They can prepare a free quote and/or provide your child with advice. Our customer service team can be reached at 088-6883700. Your child can also request a quote via our site
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