Found a student room! What do you need to arrange?
When moving in, students can still only partially rely on their parents' insurance policies. Which insurances are really necessary for your student room and which ones can you take out but are not always necessary?
Students usually don't have the money to furnish student rooms with new stuff, but don't underestimate the value of used items. Added together, the value of belongings can be considerable. Therefore, contents insurance is definitely recommended, but perhaps liability insurance as well. Travel insurance can also be a useful addition.
Get contents insurance for a student room? Why should you?
A student room often has limited square footage. There may be a few thousand euros worth of large items in the room. But the contents insurance also insures items that you may not think about at first. For example, clothes, laptop, smartphone and the expensive smart TV. In total, the new value probably won't stay below €10,000. A fire, for example, could cause you to lose everything in one fell swoop. Fire is an important coverage, especially for a student room. This is because the risk is higher in buildings where many people live.
Is liability insurance also necessary?
Liability insurance provides coverage against damages caused by your liability. Damage may be a few dollars, but it can also run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Students are co-insured on the parents' policy. The coverage continues as long as the student who lives away from home continues to study. Many insurers do apply a maximum age limit of 27 years. Once the student is older, separate liability insurance must be purchased.
Even if the parents do not have liability insurance, it is up to the student to purchase the insurance.
Which insurances offer a good addition?
From your 18th birthday, you will also take out your own health insurance, but nothing is going to change when you move into your room. Travel insurance can be a useful insurance policy, but if parents have continuous travel insurance for the family, students remain insured under this policy. Again, there may be a maximum age limit. Legal expenses insurance can also add value. You can appeal to this if you need to incur legal costs in a conflict over, for example, student accommodation.
Taking out insurance for a student room may not seem necessary, but at least make sure the most necessary insurances are taken care of. Not taking out liability insurance and contents insurance can have major financial consequences. The chance of damage may not be very high, but not insuring is too risky.
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