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Engine management light is on: what does this mean?

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On the dashboard of a car there are all kinds of buttons and (warning) lights that have to do with the functions of the car. Some signals mean that immediate action needs to be taken, so it is wise before driving a car to know what all these lights mean and what steps to take when one comes on. These warnings should prevent real damage to the car and create a dangerous situation. For example, there is also the engine management light, which indicates that there is something wrong with the engine that you should look at.

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Engine management light

What does the engine management light mean

When the engine management light comes on in your car, it means that a malfunction has been detected in the engine management system. This signal indicates that something is wrong and that action needs to be taken. You do not have to pull over immediately when the light comes on, but it is wise to take the car to the dealer as soon as possible to have the engine management read out.

However, you can very easily read this yourself. Driving too long with a light on can cause damage and the exhaust fumes can be much more polluting than when the light is not on, which is detrimental to your environment.

A lit engine management light can have several causes. The light may have come on due to problems with the ignition or when there is a dirty throttle body. The light can also come on due to a leaky vacuum hose or when there is a malfunction or contamination of an electrical connection in the car. There could also be something with the lambda probe, which is a sensor at the exhaust of a car that takes measurements of the oxygen in the exhaust gases and relays it to the engine management system.

You understand that when the engine management light comes on, the cause is not easily found, but further investigation is necessary to arrive at the correct diagnosis.

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What should you do if the engine management light is on or flashing?

If the engine management light comes on on your car's dashboard, a malfunction has been detected. In most cases, a sensor will have transmitted a signal that is not within the permitted values, such as the lambda probe measurements. However, there may also have been a short circuit in one of the cables causing an error code. To find out what went wrong, the engine management must be read. This is done via OBD, which means "On Board Diagnostics." The software to read out the engine management is the same for all OBD2 cars. This applies to gasoline cars from year 2001 and to diesel cars from year 2004.

All error codes from the system are additionally stored in the car's ECU (Electronic Control Unit). This is a support system where diagnostic equipment is used to read the error codes in the engine management. This whole process can be done at a car dealer, but you can also do it yourself. Almost all diagnostic products these days show a fault code with description that you can write down. Once the fault is fixed, you can remove the error code from the engine management system. If the problem is not fixed properly, the error code will quickly return and cause the engine management light to come back on. So be careful when using engine management reading systems to avoid future problems.

How can you reset the engine management light?

After the problem in the engine management is fixed, you can reset the light. To do this, you will need an OBD-II connector that you can plug into the socket provided under the steering wheel. Make sure the ignition switch is on and other car accessories are off. On the meter there is a "read" button, which stands for read out and which you need to press. Now the engine's error messages will be read and you can write down the messages in the order of display. You can use these later in any repairs, so it is important to write them down and save them. Then you press the "erase" button, which erases the error messages from the system. As a result, the engine management light goes out.

When performing the actions regarding the engine management light yourself, it is important that you do know what to do, because if you do it wrong, you may cause damage or you may hit the road with danger. When in doubt, just visit the dealer for more information.

In addition to the OBD-II connector, there are many other systems, including the iCarsoft i800. This also measures the engine's fault codes and resets the warning light on the dashboard, which will turn off the light.

Judge sentences motorist for ignoring warning light

In fact, ignoring warning lights in the car can create dangerous situations on the road. For example, a judge in The Hague sentenced a 38-year-old man from Moordrecht to 40 hours of community service and a suspended driving ban. The man had taken a very irresponsible risk by continuing to drive 21 kilometers on the highway with a warning light on. As a result, his car suddenly stopped more, causing a rear driver to crash into him and be severely injured.

The judge declared the defendant a danger on the road by ignoring the alert and continuing to drive in the left lane at high speed. The warning light was for low tire pressure and when his car's steering wheel began to vibrate, the man was forced to stop in the left lane of the highway. The 47-year-old rear driver drove into it at about 120 kilometers per hour and sustained permanent injuries. The man had taken a great risk by ignoring his car's warning light and making traffic unsafe as a result. These warnings are there for a reason, so it is also wise to act accordingly and not create unnecessary danger.

Can you turn off the light yourself?

So it is possible to turn off the engine management light yourself with the right equipment. By resetting the engine management system, the light can easily be turned off and you can hit the road again with a safe feeling. With the OBD-II connector and the iCarsoft i800, you can read out the engine management of all gasoline cars from year 2001 and all diesel cars from year 2004 onwards yourself. The system you purchased can be used for all your future cars. However, it is wise to work carefully and, if in doubt, to use the knowledge of specialists.

By legal obligation, every motorist is required to insure his or her car with auto insurance. This can reimburse any expenses due to damage caused or incurred by yourself. However, this should be seen as a last resort in the event of the failure of your car. It is important to drive safely on the road and not be a danger to yourself and your fellow drivers.

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