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Fatbikes and financial risks in accidents

2 min reading time

Fatbikes, with their wide tires, are becoming increasingly popular. But like electric scooters, they can be dangerous in traffic, especially for young users. The financial consequences of a fatbike accident can be significant. What exactly about liability?

In 2023, there were 12 accidents involving fatbikes in which other road users were injured. In the first months of 2024, there were 10 cases.

What is a Fatbike?

Fatbikes have wide tires ranging from 3.8 to 5 inches, providing extra stability on rough terrain. However, these larger tires make the bike heavier and harder to handle, increasing the risk of accidents.

Damages and liability

Do you or your child hit someone with a fatbike? Without liability insurance (AVP), the costs, especially for personal injury, can be high. Parents should fully understand the financial risks of fatbikes for their children.

Insurance and souped-up fatbikes

The risk of accidents is higher with fatbikes, especially souped-up versions. Insurance companies usually do not cover damage caused by souped-up vehicles. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the rules to stay insured.

Who is liable?

Parents with minor children desperately need liability insurance because the risk of liability damage is much higher with children.

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Children up to 14 years of age

Parents are always responsible for damages caused by their children.

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Children ages 14 and 15

In principle, this group is itself liable, but parents can be held responsible if the damage could have been prevented.

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Children 16 years and older

Young people are fully responsible for the damage they cause, but often do not have the financial resources to pay for it, which ultimately falls on parents.

Coverage by an AVP

An AVP can cover the cost of damage caused to others with a fatbike. This can include medical expenses, repairs or replacement cost of damaged property. Always check the policy terms, as damage to your own fatbike is not covered.

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