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Entire family co-insured in liability insurance?

3 min reading time

Private liability insurance (AVP) provides coverage against damage caused by one of the family members. But be careful when taking out the insurance. Not all family members are co-insured in all cases.

Liability insurance, as you might expect, provides coverage against damage caused by your liability. It could be a television that you accidentally knock off the neighbor's cabinet. But you can also accidentally cause your neighbor to fall unhappily. If she breaks her hip in the fall, it could be a large claim financially. Which family members can be co-insured for liability?

Who are insured on liability insurance for individuals?

The premium depends on family composition. Rightly so too, because a single person has a smaller chance of causing a claim. A family with two adults is already more likely to have a claim, and the greatest risk an insurer faces is with a family with children. Especially with young children, there is a high chance of damage. On liability insurance for a single person, damage caused by children is only compensated if children are co-insured. Divorced parents are therefore better off co-insuring both children.

Who are co-insured?

Pets, it feels to many pet owners, fall within the family. For liability insurance, the same is true. So if the dog undercuts a bicyclist, the insurance provides coverage. Even children living away from home can be co-insured. Children living away from home often remain co-insured on the parents' liability insurance. There may be a maximum age limit for this. For example, they are co-insured until the age of 27. If they do not live away for study, they must take out their own AVP.

What about borrowed items?

Liability insurance does not cover damage to rented items. It is often different with borrowed items. Most insurers have included the so-called supervision clause in the insurance. For borrowed items, there is still coverage through this clause. Insurers can set limits to the amount that they will pay out. Keep in mind that the insurer will not pay out if the borrowed items break down during normal use. A lawnmower that stops working for some unexplained reason is often not insured. This is also referred to as the lawnmower's own defect.

When your family grows, it is important to take a critical look at your liability insurance. The same applies in case of a divorce, when moving in together or when the children leave home. Also compare immediately if you can't do it cheaper.


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