How can you remove a negative BKR registration?
A negative BKR registration can have serious consequences. For example, it can be difficult to apply for a new mortgage or even take out a new phone contract. Fortunately, in some cases there is the possibility of having a negative BKR registration removed. But when is this possible and when is it not? In this article, we look at the ins and outs...
The Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR) aims to keep track of all consumer loans in order to prevent problematic debts in the future. This registry provides lenders with insight into the payment behavior of individuals. When the terms of a loan are not met, this can lead to a negative BKR registration. In that case, a specific code is added to the loan in question. This code provides lenders with information about the nature of the negative registration. More information about these codes can be found here.
Practice shows that loan repayment problems often occur with the same individuals. This makes lenders reluctant to extend loans to applicants with negative BKR records.
A five-year affair
Even when a loan with a BKR registration is fully paid off, the registration remains for five years. This also applies to the associated codes. Suppose you have experienced payment arrears in the past (indicated by code A), but this arrears was later caught up (indicated by code H), then both codes remain visible. Clearly, therefore, a negative registration can have long-term consequences.
Removal of BKR registration: a challenge
Removing a BKR registration is not a simple task and often takes a lot of time. To help you submit a well-supported request for removal of a BKR registration, we present a series of steps below.
- Get your BKR statement: You can easily do this yourself at no cost through the official BKR website.
- Delve into BKR codes and regulations: Each code has its own meaning. Research which code is associated with your registration and verify that it was applied correctly. The BKR regulations offer more information about legitimate codes. Be sure to consult the regulations corresponding to the year your credit was taken out.
- Check for errors: Even lenders make mistakes. For example, verify that the date of the codes is correct. An incorrect coding can sometimes be grounds for removal.
- Substantiate your creditworthiness: Map out why you are currently creditworthy. Prepare a summary of your income, fixed expenses, assets and possessions. Also think about the future and show how you can meet your financial obligations.
- Research the grounds for registration removal: Review rulings by judges or the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid) to understand whether your objection is likely and on what grounds.
- Weigh the interests: Assess whether your interest outweighs that of the lender. Support your arguments with solid evidence (based on the previous steps).
- Draft the objection: Use the information from previous steps to draft your objection. Factual information is essential here; remain objective. The objection should include the following points:
- The credit agreement in question
- Explanation of why you disagree with the registration
- Explanation of how the negative registration affects you
- Indications of why you are now creditworthy
The appeal should ideally be filed with the lender. The BKR has also recently been required to process requests itself. Is the request rejected? Then you can consider further steps, such as going to the Kifid or filing a lawsuit.
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