Getting the best insurance for your moped
The popularity of mopeds is growing steadily, a trend that appeals to young and old alike. Mopeds offer the advantage of shelter from wind and weather and allow you to get to your destination smoothly. Moreover, the obligations are minimal. Wearing a helmet, for example, is not required for moped drivers, nor is road tax. However, a periodic inspection is required for the vehicle.
A moped, also known as a 45-kilometer car, has the external characteristics of a car but is not quite covered by it. The speed of a moped is limited to a maximum of 45 kilometers per hour, the weight cannot exceed 350 kilograms and the power cannot exceed the limit of 4 kW. These specifications categorize the moped under the heading of "moped."
Essential insurance: third-party coverage for mopeds
Like regular cars, mopeds, including mopeds, must have at least third-party insurance. With Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance, you are automatically insured during your rides for damage caused to others or their property. However, damage to your own moped is not covered by this insurance. For this purpose, you can take out limited-casualty or full-casualty third-party insurance.
In addition to the standard third-party coverage, limited-casualty insurance provides reimbursement for certain damages to your own moped, such as fire, theft and windshield damage. However, damage you cause yourself is not covered under this coverage.
Fully comprehensive insurance goes one step further. In addition to the previously mentioned coverages, it also insures you against damage caused by your own fault. This insurance is especially attractive for moped owners with vehicles up to five years old.
Premium differences for young drivers
The minimum age for driving a moped is 16. If you are younger than 25, you can usually expect a higher insurance premium. This reflects the extra risk that insurers see, as statistics indicate that young drivers tend to cause more damage because of their limited driving experience. Underwriting requirements may apply to drivers under the age of 25.
If you own a moped as a parent, you should be careful when lending it to your 16-year-old son or daughter. Many insurers will not provide coverage if you lend your moped to someone under 25. In the event of damage, you will then be fully liable.
Build up claim-free years with your moped
It is possible to build up claim-free years with your moped. The longer you drive without a claim, the higher the premium discount. However, it is important to note that the claim-free years you accumulate with your moped cannot be applied to your car insurance. This is because driving a car carries other risks.
However, you can use the claim-free years you have accumulated with your car for your moped insurance. However, this is only advisable if you plan to stop driving the car. This is because these claim-free years can only be used once. After you have used them for your moped, you cannot use them again for your usually more expensive car insurance.
Although a moped has several advantages over a scooter or bicycle, there are restrictions on where you can drive it. So make sure you are aware of the traffic regulations. If you need help insuring your moped, our advisors are here for you. Feel free to get in touch!
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