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Event regulation for vintage cars
oldtimer event scheme

Event regulation for vintage cars

4 min reading time

oldtimerDo you have a vintage car 15 years and older, a so-called youngtimer, whose license plate has been suspended? That you can apply for the event scheme. You can then drive the vintage car for a limited number of days during events recognized by the Tax Administration without having to lift the suspension. You also do not have to pay tax the vintage car does not need MOT inspected during that period.

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Event regulations for vintage cars

If you want to take advantage of the event regulation for vintage cars, a number of conditions do apply:

  • The organizer registered the event with the Internal Revenue Service.
  • You may participate in a maximum of 4 events per calendar year.
  • You may use up to 6 days per calendar year.
  • You must insure the motor vehicle.
  • You use the motor vehicle only in connection with the event.

These are therefore vehicles that may be used on public roads without lifting the license plate suspension.

What events does the scheme apply to?

The event rule applies to special occasions when vintage cars are displayed to the public. Some examples are:

  • commemorations
  • (flower) parades
  • club days of owners of old cars

Please note!

For events of a personal nature, such as a wedding party, the event rule does not apply.

How often may you use the event scheme?

You may use the event rule for a maximum of 6 days in 1 calendar year. You may also only participate in 4 different events per calendar year. You must keep a record for each license plate of how often you have registered for an event and for how many days. The order in which the request is received by the tax authorities applies.

Please note!

The drive to the event also counts in the calculation of the number of days you use the scheme. So for example, if you drive to the venue one day before the event, you will use the event rule for 2 days.

You purchase the motor vehicle during the year

If you buy a motor vehicle during the year, you should consider the number of days and events on which the motor vehicle has already been used by previous owners. For example, did the previous owner already use the event during 1 recognized event for 2 days? Then you may still use the motor vehicle for a maximum of 4 days at 3 recognized events.

Event regulation and insurance

If you have suspended your vintage car insurance in addition to the license plate, you will not have insurance coverage during the event. You must then re-activate the classic car insurance. The insurance company will then charge a policy fee. You also need to suspend the insurance again when the event is over.

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How do you apply for the event scheme?

The event organizer announces that you can use the event scheme. You then register your motor vehicle in time with the event organizer. You do not need to have proof of participation in the event scheme in your motor vehicle during the event.

You are not going to the event after all. Then what?

Is your vintage car registered with the Tax Office to participate in the event? And yet you decide not to participate? Then the organizer must deregister your vehicle with the tax authorities at least 1 working day before the event. If this does not happen, the event is included in the calculation of the maximum number of events and days per year on which you can use the event regulation.

As an organizer, how do you apply for the event scheme?

No later than 2 months before the event, the organizer notifies the event to the Tax Office. The Tax Office will inform the organizer in writing whether the participants can make use of the event regulation. No later than 1 working day before the event, the organizer sends a list of the suspended motor vehicles to the Tax Office with the request to register these motor vehicles for the event regime. The organizer does not receive confirmation of this from the Tax Office.

The request should be sent by mail to the Tax Office to the following address:

BCA UBA Team Requests.
PO Box 9047

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