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Can you receive the pension benefit at the same time as the state pension benefit?

6 min reading time

Do you want to receive retirement benefits from your state pension age? Yes you can, but you need to think more and more about your future retirement benefit yourself. Why is this and what do you need to pay attention to?

What is the state pension age now?

Year State pension age
2023 66 years and 10 months
2024 67 years
2025 67 years
2026 67 years
2027 67 years
2028 67 years and three months (Sept. 30, 1961)
2029 Linkage to life expectancy

You receive the AOW benefit from the day you reach the AOW entitlement age. Do you want to know when you will reach the AOW pension age? Then check the website at the Social Insurance Bank.

Raising state pension age

As of Jan. 1, 2013, the state pension eligibility age is basically never equal to the retirement age according to the pension plan. What underlies this?

  • As of Jan. 1, 2014, the minimum retirement age was raised from 65 to 67.
  • As of Jan. 1, 2018, the minimum retirement age was raised from 67 to 68.

What is your retirement age?

The retirement age is not always the same as the state pension age. There is a good chance that you will have to take action yourself to receive both benefits from the same time. Start in time to take stock of this.

Choice stress on when to apply pension benefit?

As a participant in a pension plan, you already have many choices to think about until now. With the introduction of the Future Pensions Act, a number of options will be added. Below you will find a brief overview of the various choices, noting that these are not all the options you will need to think about. This shows how complex it is to make the right choice.

Pension and state pension flow chart


An employee approached me with the following: this year I will reach the state pension age and retire. To my question "will you also receive retirement benefits then?" the employee replied, "Yes I think so!

Together, we then logged into the pension provider's portal. We came to the conclusion that the retirement age was at 68. Since the employee did want to receive pension benefits from the state pension age, I put him in contact with my colleague. This colleague, together with the employee, determined the wishes when it comes to the pension benefit after which the pension provider was informed. So now the employee does receive AOW and pension benefits from the same time.

In short:

  1. Start your inventory in time. Preferably several years before reaching your state pension age.
  2. Check your state pension age
  3. Check from which date you will receive retirement benefits
  4. Make a financial plan and, if necessary, get assistance from one of Alpina's retirement advisors.

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