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In love. Buying a house. Getting married. Get divorced and then your house?

3 min reading time

You fall in love. Buy a house together. And in some cases go to the next level: get married. Maybe there will be children, maybe not. Life is good or not... In the latter case, it often ends in divorce. The cause: misunderstanding, adultery, miscommunication. Whatever it is, it is one big disappointment. After all, you would rather be a family that lives happily together for a long time to come, right? If there are children involved, then the best possible solution must be chosen for them. That is priority number 1. Number 2 is the shared home. That house, the mortgage and the importance of independent financial advice during a divorce is what this article is about.

Limit suffering, divorce is painful enough

The arguments and reproaches back and forth pile up. There is no stopping them. It is inevitable... you are splitting up. A sad period. For both of you. But also for any children, parents, relatives and friends. It's hard enough as it is, so you can't bear the added pain. That is why it is important that everything is arranged as well as possible for both ex-partners-to-be. And that is quite a task. Especially financially. To enter the divorce process well prepared, you need financial advice.

"Are you going to hire a mediator or attorney to guide the divorce or separation process? Then include the customized agreements made with the financial advisor in that conversation. That avoids disappointment afterwards."

An independent financial advisor makes customized arrangements

Using all this information, the counselor calculates what things will look like after the divorce. Will you still be able to do fun things later or will you have to live on your own? Will you have to work extra, and how much, in order to keep your finances in line? If you sit down with a financial advisor, in many cases more is possible than you think. You can make customized arrangements. Every person and situation is different, but certainly so is every divorce. Then a specific solution is needed and not a `standard' variant. For example, you and your partner might have more to spend. Then you'll have your new life on track faster, and that's a good thing, right?

Divorce starts with your financial advisor

Do you own a home with your partner and are thinking about getting divorced? Or maybe you've already made the decision but aren't sure where to start? Contact us for an obligation-free introduction. Our colleagues in Sint Odiliënberg are ready for you.

This article was written by Sylvia Beugelsdijk for Vivere Magazine

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