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How do you take out quad insurance?

3 min reading time

Quad owners are required to purchase quad insurance. An approved quad has a license plate. Insurance is then automatically required. Yet quad insurance is not a one-size-fits-all; there are different forms of insurance. The type of quad also makes a difference for quad insurance.

Once you get the quad in your name, the insurance requirement arises. Fortunately, finding the best quad insurance at the lowest premium is not a difficult task. At Alpina.nl , you can compare and purchase the most suitable insurance right away. We are happy to explain to you the steps to take when taking out quad insurance.

How would you like to insure the quad?

You can choose from three different forms of insurance, namely the following:

The third-party insurance you choose for a quad with a low value. This insurance only provides coverage against damage with the quad caused to others. The Third Party Liability + Theft, Fire and Collision offers the broadest coverage of the three options. For example, you get paid for damage caused by:

  • Theft
  • Fire
  • Collision damage

The Third Party Liability + Theft and Fire is a quad insurance policy that sits between the other two forms of insurance in terms of coverage. This insurance may also provide coverage against theft and fire but not for damage caused by collision or vandalism.

What type of quad do you want to insure?

A quad can be a passenger car, moped or motorcycle. You can check this with the seller and if you already have the vehicle in your name, the documents will show it.

Enter further information about the quad

For comparison purposes, information about the quad to be insured is indispensable. This includes, for example, its weight, year of manufacture and displacement. In addition, it is also important whether you have already accumulated claim-free years. Having a number of claim-free years can already provide a substantial discount on the premium. The insurer is also interested in how you will use the vehicle. Is the quad for commuting or will the quad also be used partly for business? These are not difficult questions to answer. Finally, add your address information and the insurance calculation can begin.

Choose quad insurance

At a glance, you can see the premium differences between them. Often the differences in premium are so great that the choice is easy. You can still compare insurance policies on conditions.

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