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When do you take out courier insurance?

2 min reading time

Courier insurance is a difficult insurance to obtain. Not all insurers want to insure the risk. In fact, claims on courier insurance are relatively common. When are you condemned to this form of insurance anyway?

The work of a courier consists of delivering packages to different addresses, for example. A courier can earn more by delivering the packages faster. In addition, the cars drive all day in heavy traffic. A greater chance of an accident is not a premature conclusion.

When should a motor vehicle be insured on a courier insurance policy?

Where the line is drawn is up to the insurers to determine. In some cases it is clear. Insuring a courier company's van must be on a courier insurance policy. But sometimes it is not so clear. For example, a restaurant uses a van to sometimes deliver food. When insuring it, you run a good chance that some insurers will reject it for ordinary van insurance.

Van secretly used as courier

When insuring a van, the insurer asks what you use the van for. For example, you report that the car is used to transport personnel. In reality, you only use the van to deliver goods to customers. If the insurer can prove this improper use in the event of a claim, a problem arises. In an extreme case, the insurance will not provide coverage. It's better to come right out and be honest about it and then possibly take out courier insurance.

Choosing an older car

On the contrary, courier insurance becomes expensive if you choose the most comprehensive coverage, which is the third-party liability + full collision. Buying an older car allows you to choose only third-party liability (TPL) insurance for insurance. The disadvantage of this form of insurance is that in the event of an accident or theft, you will not be paid for your own damages. An additional disadvantage is that older cars have comparatively higher maintenance costs.

Can you insure a car cheaply in courier insurance?

Compared to van insurance, courier insurance is an expensive insurance. So don't expect to get courier insurance for a few tens per month. The risk is relatively high, thus a high premium. We can offer you affordable insurance. Want to know what insurance will cost you per month? Calculate it on Alpina.nl.

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