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Be timely in addressing foundation problems

3 min reading time

Nearly one million homes are at risk of foundation problems, and this number may increase in the future. Climate change negatively affects foundations. Repairing foundation problems in a timely manner is important not only for safety, but also for the value of your home.

The foundation is the foundation of your home. If it becomes weakened or damaged, it will inevitably lead to problems and even collapse. Especially houses built before 1970 are at increased risk of foundation problems. So it is important to be alert to this and recognize the signs early to prevent worse damage.


Cost of foundation repair and impact on home sales

As a seller, you are required to report any foundation problems when selling your home. Failure to report them can result in a significant reduction in the selling price, up to €50,000. The high cost of repair comes into play, averaging between €50,000 and €100,000, depending on the house size, foundation condition and repair method. If you can prove that the foundation has been properly repaired, however, this need not be an obstacle to the sale.


Impact of climate change on foundations and prevention

Climate change has a significant impact on the condition of foundations. The extreme drought of recent years is resulting in subsidence and fluctuations in groundwater levels. This can lead to rotting of the wooden posts on which your home rests. Declining soil increases the risk of a crooked foundation, which ultimately leaves your home with inadequate support. Common signs of foundation problems include:

  • slanted floors
  • misalignment of the house
  • jamming windows and doors
  • water in the crawl space
  • height differences
  • cracks in walls


Roadmap for addressing foundation problems

Foundation problems do not solve themselves and usually get worse if no action is taken. When in doubt, it is advisable to call in an expert to investigate and take timely action. Active groundwater management can help prevent wooden piles from drying out (again). This requires cooperation from the municipality or the water board.

The Knowledge Center for Addressing Foundation Problems (KCAF) has developed a roadmap for early detection of foundation problems. The KCAF also offers information on high-risk areas. If you live in a row house and suspect foundation problems, it is advisable to sit down with your neighbors, as a joint approach is often needed.


Financing options for foundation repair

Damage from or repair of foundation problems is usually not covered by your buildings insurance, as subsidence or rot is often excluded. The Sustainable Foundation Repair Fund offers support in financing necessary repairs. Here you can borrow money at a relatively low interest rate, but this is only possible if your municipality is affiliated with the fund.

Foundation problems are often accompanied by significant repair costs. Take action early to avoid worse damage. If you cannot use the Sustainable Foundation Repair Fund, you may be able to use some of the excess value of your home for financing.

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