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How can I check a boat registration?

If you buy a motorboat, watercraft or jet ski, you must register the boat with the RDW. Existing boats are often already registered, in which case you have to transfer the registration to your name. Are you buying a new boat or one that is not yet registered in the Netherlands? Then you must register the vessel and put it in your name in order to sail it in the Netherlands. This applies to any vessel shorter than 20 meters and faster than 20 kilometers per hour. At Alpina.nl we will tell you all about boat registration and how to check your boat registration.

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boat registration

Where can I get the registration?

If you have bought a new boat, you will need to register the boat for the first time. You can arrange the first registration very easily online. You can also choose to do the registration at the counter. Are you buying the boat over from someone and the vessel already has a registration? Then the seller must transfer the registration to your name. You can log in via 'My RDW ' to see if the vessel is registered in your name. For this you need the DigiD app or a DigiD with SMS verification.

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When do I have to register my boat?

If you sail your boat on Dutch inland waters, registration with the RDW is mandatory. This applies to any motorboat shorter than 20 meters and faster than 20 kilometers per hour. This also applies to water scooters and jet skis. After registration with the RDW, you will also receive a registration certificate proving that the boat is registered. This shows the registration number.

Where do I register my boat?

You can register the boat both online and at the counter. Online registration is via the RDW website. In that case you must be in possession of a DigiD. You fill in all data, send the form and then receive the registration certificate within 5 working days. When registering online, keep the details of the boat handy.

Don't have DigiD or prefer not to arrange the boat registration online? Then you can register the boat at a license plate counter of PostNL or an RDW desk. This goes as follows:

  1. First, you create a pre-registration record online with your details and the boat's details.
  2. You will then receive an e-mail containing the link to the report. You can print this out or save it to your cell phone.
  3. Then go to the license plate counter, an RDW inspection station or RDW desk. Bring the pre-registration report and a valid ID with you.
  4. Pay the fee at the counter. The cost for initial registration is €55.90.

If all data are filled in correctly and the boat can be registered the RDW sends the registration certificate to your address within 5 works. Upon receipt of the registration certificate, you affix the registration mark to your boat in a highly visible way.

Lost boat registration: now what?

Did you not receive a registration certificate from the seller after the transfer? If so, ask for it. If the seller has lost the boat registration, he can request a replacement registration certificate. You can also do this if you have lost the boat registration yourself, but only if the registration certificate is in your name. This is because the vessel must be in your name to make the request. You cannot apply for a registration certificate for someone else.

Applying for a new registration certificate is as follows:

  1. Contact the RDW's customer service and indicate that you want to request a new registration certificate
  2. Please provide your address information
  3. You will then receive an application form by mail. You must complete this form in full and send it to

RDW t.a.v. Fast motorboats
PO Box 30000
9640 RA Veendam

  1. Pay the costs of €32.60

Then the RDW will process the application and send you the new registration certificate by mail.

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