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For more than 800,000 clients, we provide clear, transparent & honest advice.
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"Comparing boat insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your boat insurance every year."

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Your boat insurance coverage

We look at your boat, compare a wide range of boat insurance policies and help you choose the appropriate coverage.


  • Damage to others
  • Fire, self-ignition, explosion and joyriding
  • Storm and hail
  • Contents
  • Trailer + dinghy
  • Other external damage

WA + Limited Casco

  • Damage to others
  • Fire, self-ignition, explosion and joyriding
  • Storm and hail
  • Contents
  • Trailer + dinghy
  • Other external damage

WA + Full Casco

  • Damage to others
  • Fire, self-ignition, explosion and joyriding
  • Storm and hail
  • Contents
  • Trailer + dinghy
  • Other external damage

All about your speedboat insurance

Do you like a little speed and love boating? Then a speedboat is probably the perfect boat for you. As the proud owner of a speedboat, you should not think about something happening to your boat. Moreover, the repair costs on a boat can be considerable. To be insured for this, you can take out boat insurance. On Alpina.nl we tell you all about insuring a speedboat.

Is it compulsory to insure a speedboat?

No, in the Netherlands it is not mandatory to insure a boat. However, you do need third-party boat insurance in certain situations. This is for example at competitions, in a marina, a boat shed or on (part of) waterways. Although it is not mandatory, boat insurance is often a wise choice. Especially for a beautiful and expensive boat like a speedboat. With boat insurance you can be sure that you will not have to pay all the sky-high costs yourself in case of damage. After all, the cost of repairing damage to a boat can be considerable, not to mention personal injury. By insuring your boat properly, you can always go out on the water with peace of mind and never be faced with unpleasant surprises.

Speedboat theft insurance

A speedboat is a beautiful and expensive boat. Something that thieves also notice. Therefore, it is wise to insure your boat against theft. When taking out speedboat insurance, you have a choice of three different coverages: WA, WA + Limited Casco or All-risk. WA boat insurance is the basic coverage. This means that you will only be compensated for liability damages. If you cause damage to another person with your speedboat, the insurer will reimburse you. If you also have damage to your own boat, this is not compensated. For this you need an all-risk boat insurance. With this, damage to your own boat is also insured, even if the damage is your own fault. This is the most complete boat insurance. A compromise is the WA + Limited Casco boat insurance. With this you are insured for theft and damage such as fire, auto-ignition, storm, hail and joyriding.

Compare Speedboat insurance

At Alpina.nl you can easily compare insurance policies for your speedboat. So you can find the boat insurance that best suits you and your boat. To compare, you do not have to search all the websites of boat insurance companies yourself, but can use our handy online comparer. You simply enter some information about your speedboat, such as the year of construction, the length of the boat and its value. Then you choose the coverage you want. Then you can start comparing. You will get a handy overview of all providers, including premiums and policy conditions. So you can quickly see what is the best boat insurance for you. Have you made a choice? Then you can take out the insurance directly online. Insuring a speedboat takes only a few minutes.

Speedboat insurance? Get boat insurance through Alpina!

Do you have any questions about taking out boat insurance or would you like to discuss them? Our insurance specialists are ready for you! You can reach us Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00 on 030 688 37 00. Of course you can also send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.

We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email

Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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