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What does WA + full casco boat insurance cover?

On this page you will find information on the WA + full Casco boat insurance, this insurance is also called the All-Risk insurance. The WA Comprehensive insurance is the most extensive insurance.

Third-party full-casualty boat insurance

WA + full Casco (All risk) cover

  • All coverages of the WA insurance boat and the WA + limited Casco insurance boat also apply for the WA + full Casco (All risk) boat insurance
  • Total loss guarantee: if you lose your vessel in its entirety, you will be reimbursed the full current value
  • Your boat's own defect is covered. This means that if, for example, there is a construction or material defect in the boat and it causes damage, the repair costs are reimbursed to you.

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When to choose WA + full Casco boat insurance?

In addition to WA and WA + limited Casco insurance, you can also choose the most extensive boat insurance, WA + Casco (All Risk) Boat Insurance.

The WA + Casco boat insurance offers the most extensive coverage. With this insurance, in addition to the cover provided by the WA insurance and the WA + Limited Comprehensive Vehicle insurance, you are also insured against damage caused to your vessel by your own actions. For example, did you crash into the shore while sailing and did your boat sustain damage? Then the WA + Casco insurance covers the damage costs.

A WA+ Casco boat insurance is especially recommended for boats with a high value. Because the damage costs can be very high for a boat with a high value, you better insure yourself against this. Our customer service is of course always at your disposal, if you need advice.

Small boats

When small boats cause damage to others, this is covered by the AVP. (Think of a rowing boat, canoe or boats with less than 4 hp. These small boats do not have to be insured against third-party liability. On the liability insurance page you can find more information on the AVP.

Read also:

8 Tips to prevent theft of your boat or outboard motor


Calculate the premium for your boat insurance online!

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