Corporate housing together with your Alpina broker
As a leading company in the business housing and appraisal industry, we offer a wide range of services. Whether you are looking for an experienced commercial real estate broker or an expert appraiser for your commercial property, we are here to help.
View offerNVM Realtor.
All of our offices are affiliated with the Royal NVM.
Top 5.
We are one of the largest in the Netherlands.
From valuation, purchase guidance to conducting negotiations.
We pick out the fine print for you
"If you are considering moving to your first or other owner-occupied home, be well informed in advance about your options to avoid possible disappointments later. Often only the feasibility of the mortgage is considered but its affordability should be the main focus."

Jaap van Pampus - Director of brokerage and mortgages
More than 20 years of experience

Services Alpina corporate headquarters
Alpina corporate housing services include.
Mediation in the purchase and rental of commercial property
Mediation in the purchase and sale of commercial property
Mediation in the purchase and sale of investment properties.
Advising on the renegotiation of current leases
Consulting on reducing housing costs or relocation
Consulting on transformation of vacant properties or alternative uses
Why choose Alpina for your corporate housing or business appraisal?
Our team of professionals includes both experienced commercial real estate agents and specialized appraisers. This unique combination allows us to offer a full range of services, so you can go to one place for all your real estate-related questions.
Consulting in commercial real estate requires a different approach and approach than in residential brokerage. It is a specialism. Our experts are members of NVM Business and registered in the VastgoedCert register of Commercial Real Estate. They are aware of the most recent developments and trends in the sector, resulting in in-depth knowledge.
At Alpina, we value personal attention and customer satisfaction. We listen to your wants and needs and offer customized solutions to suit your specific situation. Whether you are looking to buy, rent, sell or appraise a commercial property, our team is here to guide and advise you throughout the process.
Contact us today to discuss your needs and requirements