Frequently asked questions about quad insurance
Is all the product information on the website complete or are there small print?
On the various pages on our website, we try to explain our products as clearly as possible. We also display the ifs and buts of the products here as much as possible. We have also listed the frequently asked questions for each product. With this we try to provide as much information as possible about the products we offer.
We work with several insurers, each of whom has their own terms and conditions for the different products. There can be considerable differences in this. We would like to emphasize that you should always consult the policy, which includes any clauses and conditions. These are always leading.
Below you will find the most frequently asked questions.
When is a quad bike a moped?
You can insure a quad bike as a moped if the engine capacity of the quad bike is less than 50cc.
The quad bike must then be provided with a moped mark and you must be in possession of a moped driver's license. Click here if you want to calculate the premium for moped insurance.
Am I obliged to insure a quad bike?
Yes. The moment you have bought a quad bike, put it in your name and it has a license plate, you must insure the quad. You are legally obliged to insure the quad against third-party liability (WA) at least from the same day that the registration certificate is in your name.
It is possible that you will temporarily not use your quad bike. You can then have your quad bike suspended for a certain period of time. By suspending it, your insurance obligation expires and it is not allowed to use the public road with the quad. You can have your quad bike suspended at the PostNL post offices or online at the RDW.
Which driving licence do you need for a quad bike?
Quads come in many shapes and sizes. You may also need different driving licenses for the different variants. Which driver's license do you need for which quad bike?
Calculate the premium of your quad insurance directly!
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