How can I apply for a license plate for a moped?
All mopeds manufactured after 2007 have a standard license plate. This is because that is when the license plate requirement for mopeds was introduced. If your moped has no license plate, you are not allowed to ride on public roads. Do you have an older moped from before 2007? Then chances are that the moped does not yet have a license plate. You have to apply for it yourself. Fortunately, applying for a license plate is very easy. On you can read all about applying for a moped license plate!
Applying for a licence plate can be done via RDW
You can apply for a moped license plate through the RDW website. Your moped must first be inspected by the RDW. During the inspection, they check whether the moped meets the rules for driving on public roads. They also check the technical condition of the vehicle. Without an inspection you cannot get a new license plate.
Steps for applying for a licence plate
To apply for a moped license plate, you can follow the following roadmap:
- Make an appointment for the inspection. You can do this at 'Make an inspection appointment'.
- Apply for a one-day license plate. With a single-day license plate you can drive your moped to the inspection site on the day of the inspection. Applying for a day registration plate is also done through the RDW and can be done at 'Apply for a day registration plate'.
- After the inspection, you will receive the registration card by mail within 5 working days. One business day later you will receive a letter with the registration code. From that moment on, you must fulfill all vehicle obligations, such as having a license plate and third-party moped insurance.
- Finally, buy a license plate for your moped. Make sure you do this from a license plate manufacturer approved by the RDW.
Conditions for applying for a licence plate
If you apply for a license plate, however, you must meet some conditions. You must be at least 16 years old and registered in the Basic Registration of Persons. If you want to register the moped in the name of a company, the company must be located in the Netherlands. In addition, it may not be a one-man business. You must appear in person at the inspection of your moped and you must have valid identification.
If your moped was put into service in 2006 or later, the moped must be built according to a type approval. If this is the case, the moped has a European Type Approval. You can request a Certificate of Origin from the manufacturer or importer of the moped. If the moped does not yet have a European Type Approval, you must apply for an individual approval for the moped.
Documents you need to apply for a license plate
During the inspection, the year of construction or the date the moped was first put into service is determined. Sometimes this cannot be done on the basis of the moped. In that case, you must be able to prove it with additional documents. For example, this can be done using an invoice or a warranty certificate.
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