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Moped insurance

Want to compare moped insurance online? Then you've come to the right place at Alpina.nl . With our online tool you can compare insurances on price, conditions and/or coverage in a few minutes and you can immediately take out the insurance that best suits your personal situation.

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"Comparing moped insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend doing a comparison for your moped insurance every year."

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Your moped insurance coverage

WA (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and Fire Damage
  • Damage to one's own moped

WA Theft and Fire

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and Fire Damage
  • Damage to one's own moped

WA Theft,Fire and Collision

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and Fire Damage
  • Damage to one's own moped

All about moped insurance

Moped insurance is insurance for mopeds. It provides protection against damage to or loss of the moped. It also provides coverage for damage to third parties and their property. Below are the three main aspects of a moped insurance policy:

  1. Coverage for damage to the moped.
  2. Coverage for damage to third parties and their property
  3. Protection against loss of the moped

Possible coverages

Legal liability

This is the basic coverage and cheapest moped insurance. It covers the damage you cause with your moped to third parties, but not the damage to your own moped.

Theft, fire and collision

In addition to the third-party coverage, theft and/or fire damage is now covered. Damage to your own moped due to a collision, for example, is also covered.

All risk

For a moped, third-party insurance is mandatory. This insures you for legal liability. Do you prefer more security? Then you can also insure your moped against damage with limited liability insurance. This compensates a lot of damage. An all-risk minicar insurance gives you complete certainty. This insurance covers all damages.

Moped insurance price

To calculate the price of your moped insurance, enter the information below, among others, in our online tool:

  1. Details of the moped, such as the make, type and model
  2. Personal information, such as date of birth and claim-free years

In the next step, you choose your desired coverage and the online tool shows you the different providers with the corresponding price.

Cheap moped insurance

Purchasing cheap moped insurance is very easy through our online tool. To save on moped insurance, it pays to compare premiums. This way you can not only see which insurance has the best price, but also choose the coverage that best suits you and your moped.

Frequently asked questions about moped insurance

Why is moped insurance necessary?

Moped insurance is necessary because driving a moped carries certain risks. It protects the owner of the moped against financial losses in case of damage, theft or other unexpected events. Below are the three main reasons why moped insurance is necessary:

  1. Protection against financial losses in case of damage, theft or other unexpected events.
  2. Obligation under Dutch law to take out insurance to drive a moped.
  3. It offers reassurance that there is protection in case of unexpected events.

What is included?

The content of a moped insurance policy varies depending on the insurer and the coverage chosen. But in most cases, it includes coverage for damage to the moped, damage to third parties and their property, loss due to theft, fire, and roadside assistance. Below are the three most common coverages in a moped insurance policy:

  1. Coverage for damage to the moped.
  2. Coverage for damage to third parties and their property
  3. Loss due to theft, fire, and roadside assistance

What affects costs?

There are several factors that affect the cost of a moped insurance policy. Below are the three most important factors:

  1. Age and experience of the driver
  2. Type and value of the moped
  3. Chosen coverage
  4. The residence of the driver

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