Calculate whether you are underinsured here
Use our tool to calculate the indicative reinstatement value and assess whether, in your opinion, the insured value is sufficient to avoid underinsurance. If in doubt, contact us!
Calculate your rebuild valueSpecialist in your industry.
Each sector has its own challenges.
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Calculate indicative reconstruction value
Use this tool to calculate the indicative rebuild value and assess whether you think the insured value is sufficient to avoid underinsurance.
When in doubt contact us!
Communicate new insured value
Rebuild value meter
Suppliers cannot keep up with the demand for wood, steel and concrete. As a result, the price rises and there is a longer delivery time. This raises the question of whether the rebuild value, once established, is still sufficient to rebuild your property in the same condition. If the sum insured is too low, you are underinsured and the claim payment may not be sufficient to repair the damage suffered.
For a quick indication of the possible reinstatement value, we have created the simple calculation tool below. By answering two questions you will immediately receive an indication of the reinstatement value. If, based on the calculation, you find that the current insured value of your business premises may be insufficient, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can adjust your desired insured value. Please use our calculation tool for this purpose.
Using the tool below you can easily calculate the indicative cost to rebuild your commercial property or business building project.
NOTE: no rights can be derived from this value, it is a simple tool to calculate an indicative rebuilding value.
All amounts mentioned are excluding VAT, Price level April 2024
In any case, this does NOT fall under the indicative value: demolition work and remediation, costs NUTS connections, permit fees, drawing and calculation work, wall finishes, floor finishes, kitchen, bathroom and site design.
How does Alpina work?
As an intermediary, we are not part of any insurance company. This means that we have no financial or production obligations to the companies we work with. When comparing insurance, we consider your personal situation and specific wishes regarding coverage. Alpina makes insurance clear and fast.
Money back guarantee! (14 days)
Insurance applications are reviewed quickly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can then immediately hit the road insured with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about your old insurance either. You can cancel it directly online with us.
Alpina complies with all the legal requirements of the AFM. For example, we have the necessary permits and diplomas and we are affiliated with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid).
We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email
Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.