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Business liability insurance (AVB)

Something goes wrong while performing one of your jobs causing damage. This can cost a lot of money. So make sure you are covered for these situations with a good business liability insurance policy.

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All about corporate liability insurance

Need business liability insurance (AVB)? It can happen to you too; something goes wrong while performing one of your jobs causing damage. This can happen either by yourself or your employees.

By law, you are currently liable and must pay for damages. Not a big deal if a lamp is knocked over, but a big deal if damage is caused that runs into the tens of thousands of dollars.

So make sure you are covered for these situations with a good business liability insurance policy.

What is a business liability insurance?

Imagine you've just opened a store, and a customer trips over the rug and breaks a leg. Or you've just started as a painter and accidentally drop a pot of paint across your customer's laminate floor. Liability claims can sometimes run high, especially if they include personal injury. With business liability insurance, you are insured for liability damages to a customer. This involves damage to others or belongings to others caused by you or your products. The coverage of business liability insurance is similar to Private Liability Insurance (AVP), but for your business.

What is insured on AVB?

Basically, an AVB covers a company's liability for damage to persons and/or property of third parties. This can happen, for example, during the performance of work, the use of products or entering the company premises. This could include damage resulting from a faulty product, an accident on the shop floor or damage to third-party property.

An AVB also provides coverage for liability for damage caused by employees and hired freelancers while performing work for the company. This is important because, in principle, a company in the Netherlands is liable for damage caused by an employee or hired freelancer while performing work.

An AVB can be customized for a specific industry, with specific risks characteristic of that industry included in the insurance. In addition, additional coverage can be purchased for certain risks, such as environmental damage or cybercrime.

It is important to emphasize that not all liability is covered on an AVB. For example, liability for willful misconduct and damage to your own property are not covered. It is therefore important to look carefully at the coverage and terms of the insurance policy and take out additional insurance to cover all risks, if necessary.

In short, an AVB provides coverage for liability for damage to persons and/or property of third parties while performing work, including liability for employees and hired freelancers. However, it is important to look carefully at the coverage and terms of the insurance and take out additional insurance to cover all risks, if necessary.

Who is insured on an AVB?

In principle, the company itself is the policyholder and the insured on the AVB. This means that the company pays the premium and can claim insurance coverage for liability for damage to persons and/or property of third parties.

In addition, in many cases, employees of the company are also co-insured on the AVB. This means that if an employee causes damage to persons and/or property of third parties while performing work, the company can be held liable. The damage can then be recovered from the company's AVB.

However, it is important to emphasize that not all employees are automatically co-insured on the TPL. For example, certain professions, such as doctors or lawyers, may need to purchase specific professional liability insurance. Therefore, it is important to look carefully at the insurance coverage and terms, and take out additional insurance to cover all risks, if necessary.

In short, the company itself is the policyholder and the insured on the AVB. In many cases, employees are also co-insured, but this is not automatically the case. Therefore, it is important to look carefully at the coverage and terms of the insurance and, if necessary, take out additional insurance to cover all risks.

What does an AVB cost?

The cost of an AVB is different for every business owner. Are you a marketer and work mostly in the office? Then you will pay less premium than the owner of a small painting company. Your profession and the size of your business affect the cost of your business liability insurance. Then there are a number of factors that affect the cost:

  • The number of employees you employ
  • The industry in which you operate and the profession you practice
  • Your gross annual salary and annual sales
  • The amount you want to insure
  • Any membership of a trade association or umbrella organisation

Types of liability

There are several types of liability you may face as a business.

Product liability

Product liability is a form of liability in which a producer can be held liable for damage caused by a defective product placed on the market. This means that a producer can be held liable for damage to persons and/or property caused by a product he has placed on the market, even if the producer is not at fault for causing the damage.

In the Netherlands, product liability is governed by the Civil Code. This states that a producer is liable for damage caused by a defect in his product. This defect can be present both in the design of the product and in its production. Even if there is a defect in the product's warnings or instructions for use, the producer can be held liable.

The producer's liability is not unlimited. For example, a producer cannot be held liable if he can prove that the product was not defective at the time it was put on the market, or that the damage was caused by a circumstance beyond his control. In addition, the producer can reduce compensation if the damage was caused in part by the actions or omissions of the injured party.

It is therefore important for producers to be aware of the risks of product liability and to be well informed about the regulations and standards in force for manufacturing and marketing products. For example, a producer can limit his liability by providing the product with a warning label, instructions for safe use, or by using the services of an independent testing body.

In short, product liability is a form of liability in which a producer can be held liable for damages caused by a defective product placed on the market. Therefore, it is important for producers to be well informed about the applicable regulations and standards for manufacturing and marketing products, and to take steps to limit their liability.

Employer's liability

Employer liability is the liability of an employer for damages suffered by employees while performing their duties. An employer has a responsibility to provide a safe working environment and prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases. If injury does occur, the employer may be held liable for the damages suffered.

In the Netherlands, employer liability is regulated by the Civil Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These state, among other things, that an employer is obliged to take measures to promote health and safety in the workplace. This can be done, for example, by providing personal protective equipment, giving information and instructions on how to work safely, and conducting risk inventories and evaluations.

If an employee does suffer damages, they can hold the employer liable. In doing so, the employee must prove that the damage was caused by a dangerous situation in the workplace or the employer's failure to meet its obligations. The employer can limit its liability by ensuring proper insurance, such as business liability insurance (AVB) or disability insurance (AOV).

It is therefore important for employers to be aware of their workplace safety and health responsibilities and take measures to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses. This can not only reduce harm to workers, but also prevent reputational and financial consequences for the company.

In short, employer liability is the liability of an employer for damages suffered by employees while performing their duties. It is therefore important for employers to be aware of their workplace safety and health responsibilities and take measures to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

Can I compare business liability insurance?

At Alpina, we work with a wide range of approved insurers. So we also offer corporate liability insurance from these providers. So you choose the quality of a well-known insurer, but at the lowest premium. So at Alpina.nl you save both time and money.

With business liability insurance you insure your liability as a company for damages to third parties. Here you can make your own choices in the exact coverage of the insurance, after all, one entrepreneur is not the other. Therefore, at Alpina you can easily compare business liability insurance online and immediately see the corresponding premium. So go right ahead and compare your business liability insurance today.


Taking out business liability insurance as a self-employed person? You certainly can. With a liability insurance ZZP you are insured if you, as an entrepreneur, cause damage to another person or if your work causes injury to another person. A business liability insurance ZZP is a good way to cover yourself in case of liability damage. With liability insurance for ZZP'ers, costs resulting from the damage will be reimbursed by the insurer. You are also insured for damages caused by an intern or a temporary worker employed by you.


The cost of business liability insurance depends on various factors. These factors are:

  • The number of employees you employ
  • The industry in which you operate and the profession you practice
  • Your gross annual salary and annual sales
  • The amount you want to insure
  • Any membership of a trade association or umbrella organisation

Sole proprietorship

Business liability is probably not the first thing you think of when starting a sole proprietorship. Yet this is an important issue for any start-up. After all, anyone can cause damage to another person, even if you work according to all safety laws and regulations. Therefore, even if you have a sole proprietorship, you can take out business liability insurance. This way you are insured if, for example, you throw coffee over a customer's laptop. Or if a customer trips over a loose cable at your office and breaks a leg.

Frequently asked questions about business liability insurance

For whom is corporate liability insurance?

Company liability insurance is for small and large entrepreneurs, freelancers, sole traders. In short, for everyone with an own company. Every company can be confronted with liability damage.

What is insured with a business liability insurance?

With business liability insurance you are insured for damages caused in the course of your work. If you own a painting business and accidentally drop a pot of paint on a customer's carpet, you are insured for that.

What is not insured?

With business liability insurance, you are not insured for professional liability. For this you need a professional liability insurance. Items you have "under supervision" are not insured. Think for example of a kitchen or bathroom that you have to install. If damage occurs when you are responsible for it, it is not covered by business liability insurance. Always check the policy conditions to see if there are more situations where the insurer does not provide coverage. This can vary from one insurer to another.

What is the difference between a corporate liability insurance and a professional liability insurance?

Business liability insurance is often confused with professional liability insurance. Professional liability involves, for example, giving incorrect or incomplete information, or giving incorrect advice. If damage occurs as a result, you are not insured for this with business liability insurance. For this, you need professional liability insurance.

With professional liability insurance, you insure financial losses suffered by your client due to professional misconduct for which you are liable. Professional liability insurance is especially relevant for entrepreneurs whose work involves giving advice, such as consultants, architects, IT consultants or engineers.

Is corporate liability insurance mandatory?

No, business liability insurance is not mandatory. However, it can be a very useful addition to your business insurance. After all, an accident is in a small corner and it is not nice if you have to pay for the financial consequences of damage yourself. Moreover, suppliers or clients increasingly do not want to do business if someone is not insured. Many entrepreneurs therefore choose to take out business liability insurance.

Why take out an AVB?

If business liability insurance is not mandatory, why buy one? Liability insurance is an important insurance for your business. During your work, you or one of your employees can always accidentally cause damage to the belongings of others or to others themselves. In the best case scenario, the damage is limited and the costs are not too bad. However, if personal injury occurs, the costs can easily run into the (tens of) thousands of euros. In some cases, it even leads to bankruptcy. Business liability insurance provides coverage in many different situations and can be the solution.

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