Your car insurance abroad
Going on vacation abroad by car? Then check in advance how well insured you are. Your green card states in which countries your insurance is valid. You will receive this after you have taken out car insurance. Is your insurance not valid in a certain country? Then you can take out temporary car insurance. You can usually arrange this at the border of the country concerned.
Your car insurance coverage abroad
Your Dutch car insurance is valid in most EU countries. Check the green card of your car insurance to be sure in which countries this is the case. Also check in advance with your insurer what conditions apply when traveling abroad.
In fact, there is often a maximum length of stay within which your car is insured. For example, with many insurers, you are not covered if the car spends more than half the year abroad.
Temporary car insurance for vacation not required
Getting temporary car insurance for vacation in the Netherlands is usually not necessary. Is your Dutch insurance not valid in a certain country? In that case, you can often get a temporary car insurance at the border of that country. The cost of such temporary car insurance varies from country to country.
Damage during your stay abroad
An accident during your stay abroad can always happen. Your car insurance probably covers the damage, but the insurer has some requirements. For example, you and the other party must fill out a claim form. The policy wording describes this exactly.
On the green card is an international phone number where you can get help after an accident. A Dutch-speaking employee from the insurer's emergency center will help you in that case.
You will then receive instructions over the phone on what to do at the scene. For example, they can arrange for the car to be towed to a body shop. Or that you get replacement transportation.
A European claim form
To reduce the language barrier, claim forms look the same everywhere. This makes filling them out a lot easier. This allows the insurer to determine who is responsible for the accident and what the other party's details are.
Therefore, always have a European claim form in your car. Reporting damage through Alpina can be done easily online.
Additional coverage during your trip abroad
Want to be extra well prepared when you travel? Then consider roadside assistance insurance. After all, you can't call on your car insurance company in the event of a breakdown on the road. With this additional insurance you can count on fast and professional help wherever you want, all year round.
Green card required or not required abroad?
In most countries you do not need to carry your green card, but in some countries a green card is mandatory. Before heading abroad, it is therefore wise to check which countries you are driving through.
Check not only if your car insurance is valid in these countries, but also what requirements each country has for your car. In some countries, for example, you must always carry a warning triangle and a safety vest.
Don't have these? Then you could be fined. Your green card also has phone numbers you can call in case of damage or an accident. It is therefore smart to take your green card with you when you travel.
Temporary car insurance with coverage in Europe
Are you going to export a car within Europe and your car has no insurance (yet)? Then you can take out temporary car insurance. With the 14-day temporary insurance, you have coverage throughout Europe.
Importing a car from abroad
Have you bought a car abroad and want to import it to the Netherlands? This car must always first be inspected by the RDW. During the inspection, the inspector checks whether the car meets all safety and environmental requirements.
The details for the declaration of the BPM are also determined. Then you will get a Dutch license plate and you can purchase car insurance.
Car insurance when permanently living abroad
Are you moving abroad permanently? Then you cannot get Dutch car insurance. This is because in order to take out car insurance, you must be registered in the Netherlands. When you deregister in the Netherlands and emigrate abroad, you must terminate your car insurance. You then take out a new car insurance in the country where you are going to live.
Frequently asked questions about car insurance abroad
How long can I get temporary car insurance while abroad?
For a vacation abroad, temporary car insurance is usually not necessary. Your Dutch car insurance also provides coverage abroad.
Are you traveling through a country that does require separate insurance? Then take out temporary car insurance at the border.
Are you going to import or export a car? Then you can take out temporary car insurance in the Netherlands for 1 day or 14 days.
What is the difference between temporary and regular car insurance for abroad?
Temporary insurance provides short-term coverage and is flexible in terms of duration. This is useful if you are going to import or export a car. Regular car insurance is continuous and also offers you broader coverage abroad.
Can I get temporary insurance if my Dutch insurance is not valid abroad?
Yes, you can often purchase temporary insurance at a country's border if your Dutch policy does not provide coverage in certain countries. Check in advance the coverage on your green card where your insurance is and is not valid.
Is a green card required with temporary car insurance?
Yes, many countries require a green card as proof of insurance. Without this card, you may face problems at border controls or claims processing. Check on your green card where your insurance is valid.
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