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car insurance premium

Kosten autoverzekering per maand

De kosten van je autoverzekering hangen af van verschillende factoren. Gemiddeld betaal je tussen de €50 en €88 per maand. De premie is afhankelijk van je leeftijd, woonplaats en schadevrije jaren. Ook de dekking, aanvullende verzekeringen en de verzekeraar zijn van invloed op de kosten van je autoverzekering. 


To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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Wat zijn de gemiddelde kosten voor een autoverzekering per maand?

Er zitten grote verschillen in de gemiddelde kosten per maand voor een autoverzekering. Gemiddeld kost een autoverzekering zo’n €50 tot €88 per maand. Het kan zijn dat je €100,- per maand betaalt, terwijl je buurman voor dezelfde verzekering €65 betaalt. De premie is namelijk voor iedereen anders. Verzekeraars bepalen de hoogte van de premie door te kijken naar je persoonlijke situatie en individuele kenmerken. Zo bepalen ze hoe groot het risico is dat zij lopen en baseren daar de maandelijkse premie op.

These factors determine the cost of your car insurance

The insurer is really only assessing the risk they run by insuring you. These are the personal factors that affect the monthly cost of auto insurance:

  • Your age. Younger and novice drivers usually pay more because they are considered a high-risk group by insurers. They also have not yet accumulated many claim-free years.
  • Your hometown. The risk of damage or theft is higher in densely populated urban areas than in rural regions.
  • Your accumulated claim-free years. Each year that you do not drive a claim, you move up the bonus malus ladder which gives you a higher discount on your car insurance.
  • The weight of your car. The heavier your car the more expensive because the impact in an accident is likely to be greater.
  • Your miles driven per year. The more you drive, the more risk of damage.
  • The make and model of the car. A new, expensive or fast car often results in a higher premium due to higher repair and theft costs.

All of these factors help the insurer assess the risk. This affects the premium you end up paying. You yourself also influence the cost of your car insurance. Do you want a cheaper third-party or an expensive but comprehensive all-risk car insurance policy?

The impact of your chosen coverage on your premium

When choosing car insurance coverage and the coverage level, you have 3 options: WA, WA + limited collision or all-risk. There are significant price differences between these 3 coverages. The more extensive your insurance coverage, the higher the cost of your car insurance. You are obliged in the Netherlands to insure your car at least WA.

The cost of car insurance consists of:

Therefore, always compare several providers to find the cheapest car insurance with the best coverage.

Compare your coverage

WA coverage

Every car owner in the Netherlands is obliged to insure his or her car at least WA. WA stands for Wettelijke Aansprakelijkheid and only provides coverage for liability damage (damage to others).

Damage to your own car is not covered by this insurance. Those costs are for your own account. Third-party insurance provides the least coverage and is therefore the cheapest of the 3 coverages.

WA + limited casco coverage

The WA + limited casco coverage is an addition to the compulsory WA insurance. This covers not only damage to others, but also damages caused by fire, hail, storm, lightning, fire, explosion, broken windows, theft, attempted theft and damage caused by collision with stray animals.

The price difference between third-party car insurance and insurance with third-party + limited collision coverage is relatively small. For third-party limited liability coverage you usually pay 3 to 15 euros extra premium per month. You are then much more extensively insured.

All-risk cover

All-risk coverage is the most comprehensive car insurance policy. With all-risk car insurance, all damages are compensated. Also the damage to your own car is always compensated, even if it is your own fault. Vandalism damage is also insured.

On average, however, all-risk insurance is twice as pricey as third-party + limited collision. But monthly car premium costs are based on more than just coverage.

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Limited airframe

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Cost of car insurance for a novice driver

For the first 5 years after getting your license, you are a novice driver. The cost of car insurance for a novice driver is higher than for a more experienced driver. The risk of driving damage as a novice driver is often a lot higher than a driver with more driving experience. Insurers see this as a greater risk. This is because the amount of the premium is partly determined by the number of claim-free years. The more claim-free years you have, the higher the bonus-malus discount.

What does car insurance cost for an 18-year-old?

On average, an 18-year-old often pays more than 100 euros per month for car insurance. With most insurers, under-24s also pay an age supplement and thus a higher premium.

Here's how to find the cheapest car insurance

Finding the cheapest car insurance starts with comparing different options. By comparing different insurers side by side, you can easily see which insurance fits your situation best and is the most affordable. Pay attention not only to the premium, but also to the coverage.

For example, choose third-party insurance if you have an older car, while all-risk insurance may be wiser with a new car. In addition, keep in mind additional options such as roadside assistance or passenger insurance may increase your premium. Don't forget to review your insurance periodically, as switching can sometimes save you quite a bit of money.

Take out car insurance? Calculate the premium!

Frequently asked questions about the cost of car insurance

What does car insurance cost per month?

The monthly cost varies depending on the type of car. For a car in the mini class, car insurance costs average €50 per month. For a mid-class car, this rises to about €88 per month. The cost depends on factors such as age, zip code, claim-free years, the type and weight of the car, the miles you drive and the coverage chosen affect the total cost.

What does car insurance cost on average?

On average, the monthly cost of car insurance is between €50 and €88, depending on the type of car and other factors such as driver age and claim-free years.

What does car insurance cost per year?

On an annual basis, this means that car insurance costs range from about €600 (€50 x 12 months) for a mini-class car to €1,056 (€88 x 12 months) for a mid-class car.

What does third-party insurance for your car cost per month?

On average, you already have third-party insurance for about 20 euros per month. For example, if you have a car from the mini class, 10 claim-free years and live in a village. What an average third-party car insurance costs depends entirely on your specific situation.

For example, do you have 0 claim-free years and live in a big city? Then you quickly pay an average of 50 euros per month for a third-party car insurance.

Calculate your car insurance premium directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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