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Getting car insurance with a criminal record

It is possible to get auto insurance with a criminal record. However, you often cannot get this from a regular insurance company. However, you can get insurance with a criminal record from insurance companies that specialize in special risk insurance.

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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Getting car insurance with a criminal record

Was your application for insurance denied because of your criminal record? Or were you denied by your insurance company for some other reason? You can still try to get insurance from a regular insurance company. But this is probably very difficult.

In fact, having a criminal record is considered a special risk by the mainstream insurer. It says something about a person's trustworthiness and credibility.

Through the Vereende, however, it is possible to get car insurance with a criminal record. However, the premium is higher and there may be additional conditions. This is because you pay your premium in advance. This is the Vereende's guarantee. Should you not pay the insurance, they can still stop your insurance.

In addition, it is (often) only possible to obtain insurance through an intermediary. Alpina can help you with that.

car insurance criminal record

Car insurance for people with criminal records: the Vereende

The Vereende is the place to go for people dealing with "Special Damages and Risks. Even if you have a criminal record, have caused a lot of damage in a short time or have not paid your premium (on time), you can still take out insurance with the Vereende.

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Concealing criminal record when applying for insurance (insurance fraud)

If you are in possession of a criminal record then the insurance company can also cancel an existing insurance policy. This applies even if you concealed the fact that you have a criminal record when applying for insurance.

The insurance company has no insight into your criminal history, but you are required to disclose your criminal record if the insurance company asks for it. If you don't, you are committing insurance fraud.

The insurer can then stop the insurance if it becomes known that you have concealed your criminal record. In the event of a claim or accident, you will then also lose the right to a payout.

Your insurer files a fraud report and you are registered as a fraudster in the CIS database. Getting car insurance is even more difficult after that.

Be honest about your criminal record

It is important for insurers to properly assess any risks. Having a criminal record can affect that assessment. This is because the insurer wants to keep the risk of paying out as low as possible. When taking out insurance, you must disclose that you have a criminal record, unless the criminal record is older than 8 years.

Therefore, always be honest about your criminal record. You are not required to disclose why you have a criminal record. In some cases such as a minor offense unrelated to your driving, it may work to your advantage to do so.

Getting car insurance in someone else's name

In some cases, you can get car insurance in your partner's name or in the name of one of your parents . However, if you are in possession of a criminal record, this is not recommended. If for any reason the insurer discovers that you are the main driver of the car, your insurance will still be terminated.

Do you get involved in an accident? Then you may even be prosecuted for fraud and not having the proper insurance. Therefore, it is always wiser to purchase insurance in your own name if you are the primary driver of the vehicle.

When can I get reinsured with a regular insurer?

In most cases, a criminal record expires after 5 years, after which you should be able to rejoin a regular insurance company. However, if the crime occurred less than 8 years ago, there is an obligation to report to the insurance company. After 8 years, you are no longer required to report your criminal record.

Does your criminal record have nothing to do with your driving? Then you can apply for a VOG (Certificate of Good Conduct). With this you can prove that your past is no objection to taking out car insurance. The insurer can then decide whether or not to insure you.

Frequently asked questions about getting car insurance with a criminal record

Where do I get car insurance if I have a criminal record?

You can try to get car insurance from regular insurers. If this fails, you can turn to the Vereende. The Vereende offers insurance for people with higher risks. You can get this car insurance through Alpina.

Am I required to disclose my criminal record when applying for auto insurance?

Yes, if the insurer explicitly asks about this, you are required to report it honestly. Failure to report may result in cancellation of your policy or denied claims.

Can an insurer deny my application because of my criminal record?

Yes, insurers may refuse your application if they see your criminal record as an increased risk. In that case, you can look into car insurance through the Vereende.

Compare the premium for car insurance with De Vereende online!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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