Will damage to my car without an offender be reimbursed?
Any kind of car damage is annoying. Of course it is important that you have good car insurance. Damage comes at a cost at all times. It reduces the value of your car and having it professionally repaired is often a hefty expense.
Even more annoying is when the damage was done by another person whose identity is unknown. After all, you can't put the bill down to the perpetrator.
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Always report it to the police, even for damage without an offender!
Take pictures and/or videos of the situation immediately. Clearly portray the damage as well as the surrounding situation. One of the things that will be looked at afterwards is whether the car was parked correctly and whether you yourself could have done something to prevent the damage. The images can later serve as evidence and help the police prepare a report. It is very important that you report the damage to the police.
Sometimes there are surveillance cameras at the scene of the accident. The police can then view any footage that may lead to the culprit. It is also important that the damage is recorded in a police report. This is necessary for your insurance. It sometimes happens that witnesses do not come forward until much later. It is then convenient that the damage without perpetrator is already registered with the police. The police can properly record the situation in the report. To hold the perpetrator responsible, but also to have a chance of compensation from your insurance company or another authority, it is necessary to file a report.
From whom can I recover damages if the perpetrator is unknown?
In some cases, you can submit the claim to your own insurer. Therefore, always check with your insurer or intermediary to be sure. In the Netherlands, there is a government agency that deals with cases of damage without an offender. The Guarantee Fund is responsible for this.
You can apply to the Guarantee Fund for compensation. It depends entirely on the situation and type of insurance whether you can go to your insurer, the Guarantee Fund, or in the worst case, neither.
When will my insurance pay for the damage to my car if there is no culprit?
If you have all-risk insurance, the damage will most likely be covered by your own insurance. Depending on your policy and coverage, you may have to pay part of the damage yourself. This is the 'excess', the amount of which varies per policy. So even in the case of damage without an offender, contact the insurer or intermediary. Damage without an offender does not always mean that you have to pay for the costs yourself.
When buying insurance, consider what type of insurance best suits your car and situation. For cars less than six years old, all-risk insurance is often the best option. Ask your intermediary or insurer for advice if you are unsure about this.
When do I make a claim on the Guarantee Fund?
If the damage without an offender is not covered by your own insurance, you can submit a claim request to the Guarantee Fund. However, your request must meet a number of criteria. For example, the damage incurred must have been caused by another motor vehicle or trailer coupled to it. It must also be clear that an unknown party can be held responsible and not yourself.
You must make or have made an effort within 14 days to find the perpetrator. The police report is therefore important. An additional neighborhood search or advertisement also show that you made an effort to find the identity of the perpetrator. If the damage was not caused by another vehicle (or trailer) then you cannot claim the Guarantee Fund.
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