What is two-sided car damage?
Two-way damage is damage that occurs because you have driven your car into another car, such as in a collision. In a bilateral accident, you have collided with another vehicle and are dealing with an opposing party. Does your car insurance policy cover two-way damage?
Is double-sided car damage covered by the insurance?
Determining whether your car insurance provides cover for a collision and whether the accident will affect your premium and claim-free years depends on a number of things. Who caused the accident? Are you to blame or the other party? What is the coverage of your car insurance?
A third-party insurance only compensates the damage you cause to someone else. A limited-casualty insurance does not only cover damage caused to others, but also specific damage to your car, such as hail and storm damage. The all-risk car insurance is the most extensive coverage for damage to your own car. If you are the cause of the accident, the all-risk insurance will cover both the damage to your own car and the damage to the other party's car.
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Claim form two-sided damage
After an accident with bilateral damage, you must fill in a European claim form. The insurer may require a claim form in order to process the claim. The claim form must be filled in by both parties involved. It is advisable to do this immediately after the accident, together with the other party, in order to avoid any misunderstandings. This is to avoid misunderstandings. By signing the claim form, you indicate that you agree with what is written on the form. If you do not agree with what is written on the form, you can choose not to sign it. You can also indicate in the field 'Comments' that you do not agree. This field is at the bottom of the claim form. You can indicate here that you do not agree. Also indicate how you think it should be.
Once the insurance company has received the claim form from you, they will process the claim.
Claim = loss of claim-free years
Claiming two-sided damage causes a drop in claim-free years if you are at fault for the accident. Then you will probably have to pay a higher premium as well. When the damage is small, it can sometimes be more advantageous not to claim it, but to pay for it yourself. For each claim you file, you will lose 5 claim-free years. As a result, you will lose part of your accumulated discount. The loss of 5 claim-free years is the same for each insurer. However, the discount you receive by accruing claim-free years may differ with each insurer. So it may be that after a claim with one insurance company you get a lot less discount and with another insurance company the difference in discount is negligible.
Car insurance? Calculate your premium!
What is the difference between unilateral and bilateral damage?
The difference between unilateral and bilateral damages is already apparent from the name of the damage. In the case of unilateral damage, you have not collided with another vehicle, but are the only road user involved. The damage is caused by the fact that you hit an object, such as a tree or lamppost, with your car. In case of bilateral damage, another vehicle is involved. Two-sided damage can be caused by a collision, for example.
Questions about your car insurance
Do you want to know if your car insurance offers coverage for double damages? Please refer to the policy conditions. Do you want to change the coverage of your car insurance? This can be done via the online contact form.
At alpina.nl , you can easily and quickly compare coverage and price. This way you can choose the car insurance that best suits you and your car.
Do you have any questions? Then please contact us. We are happy to help you! We can be reached from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00 on telephone number 088-6883700.
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