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Damage to another person's car
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Driving damage in someone else's car: am I insured?

Driving damage in someone else's car: am I insured?

The moment you drive someone else's car and you get into an accident or suffer damage with it, you may be wondering about car insurance. Are you actually insured for car damage if you drive someone else's car?

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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taking photo with mobile phone of car damage

Damage to a borrowed car: what about insurance?

When you buy auto insurance, this coverage applies to the car. Not for the person. So you are insured in someone else's car as well. Nevertheless, the owner of the car always remains liable for everything that happens to the car. The costs incurred after damage when you drive a borrowed car remain the responsibility of the owner of the car. Make sure that you make proper arrangements with the owner of the car when you borrow it. This prevents discussions afterwards.

If you borrow the car more often than occasionally, or if you even drive the car more often than the owner, the owner of the car must report this to the insurer. Based on your information, the insurer then recalculates the premium. The moment you are younger than the owner, for example, or have fewer claim-free years, the premium will usually increase. Do you neglect to report this? Then this can cause huge problems in the event of a claim. The insurer may then decide not to reimburse the claim and, moreover, they may possibly register the owner as a fraudster.

Frequently asked questions about damage driving someone else's car

What is reimbursed in the event of an accident with someone else's car?

If you get into an accident in someone else's car, and thus have damage to someone else's car, this is simply covered by his or her car insurance policy. What is reimbursed depends on the coverage of the car insurance policy:

  • The WA car insurance only compensates for damage you cause to others, but not for damage to your own - or in this case the borrowed - car.
  • Car insurance limited casco covers not only damage to others but also some damages to your own car due to external calamities (storm, fire, window breakage, burglary and collision with animals).
  • All-risk car insurance also covers damage to your own car, even if you are responsible for the accident.

Did someone else cause the accident? Then the insurer of the other party will compensate the damage.

Damage to someone else's car: loss of claim-free years

Accrued claim-free years are linked to the insured car. If damage is caused with the car, it comes at the expense of the accrued years. This is also true if someone else was the driver of the car during the accident. Damage caused while on loan may also increase your car insurance premium.

Damage caused by driving another person's car - Personal injury

The care you need in the case of personal injury is covered by your own health insurance. Regardless of whether you yourself are at fault for the accident or not. However, this care is usually covered by your deductible. If you are not liable, you recover the costs your health insurance does not reimburse (deductible, for example) from the other party.

Are you a car owner yourself and want to know about damage recovery? Read this article: Will damage to my car be compensated by someone else?

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