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Car damage due to heat wave: is that possible?

A heat wave can cause a lot of hassle. Sweating in the office or on the building site, sticky nights with little sleep or getting burnt after a hike, we all suffer. It doesn't stop with people and animals, your car suffers from the heat too. There's a chance your car could have problems and even get damaged in the heat.

heat wave damage


The biggest culprit is overheating of the engine. A car's cooling system has to work harder to keep the engine cool in the heat. The amount of heat that a heat wave brings can sometimes be too much for this cooling system, especially in older cars. This leads to overheating. You can prevent this in several ways. Firstly, good car maintenance is important.

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You can play a part in this by keeping your car's radiator clean and checking the coolant and oil levels. You can also try to keep the use of the battery as low as possible; often the battery is a bottleneck in the cooling system. Things like turning down the air conditioning or turning it off can help with this.

Is your engine still getting too hot? Give your car a break to avoid damage, pull over and open the bonnet to let the heat escape. Check the coolant and top it up if necessary. Let the engine cool down well first! If the engine is still hot, the liquid can come out with great force and cause burns. Are you completely out of coolant? Do not drive and call road assistance immediately. In most cases, damage from this cause is only covered by an all-risk car insurance !

Paint damage

Bird droppings and other things that end up on your car's hood can cause damage to your car's paint. This is not just because of acid, but also because of the contraction and expansion of these materials due to heat. During a heat wave, temperature differences can be high, so make sure you keep your car clean and don't park it directly under a tree during a heat wave.

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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