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What about the insurance in the event of a chain collision?

The Tuesday after the Easter weekend is traditionally a busy day for traffic. If you are on the road a lot for your work, you should take this into account. This year, it also rained heavily. According to the ANWB, at 8.15 a.m. this combination led to a morning rush hour with 545 kilometres of traffic jams. Traffic jams are often caused by sudden braking. But even driving in a traffic jam is not without risk. A chain collision lies in wait. How well insured are you then?

chain collision

Insurance in the event of a rear-end collision

A recognizable situation: the person in front of you brakes suddenly. You can no longer brake in time and collide with the rear of the car in front. This is called a rear-end collision. Two vehicles are involved. The question of fault is simple: the motorist behind you is liable for the damage, because you must maintain sufficient distance in traffic. If you do not, you are at fault for the accident. Your third-party automobile insurance pays for the damage caused by the car in front. You will only be compensated for your damage if the car is WA-casco or All-risk insured.

If someone hits your car from behind, you will simply be reimbursed for the damage. It is good to know that this does not affect your claim-free years.

Question of fault in the event of a chain collision

In a chain collision, it is difficult to determine who is at fault. Suppose you stop in time and do not hit the car in front. Then a car drives into the back of your car. As a result of the collision, your car slides into the car in front of you. You are not to blame for this. In order to avoid endless discussions about the question of guilt, insurance companies have made agreements about this. In a chain collision, the damage is settled as a rear-end collision. The car insurance company of the driver behind you pays for your damage, and you pay for the damage to the car in front.

Compare cheap car insurance online!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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