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Home Car damage damage caused by own fault

Damage to car through own fault: is it covered by the insurance?

Damage to car due to your own fault? Then chances are you are insured for this. However, this does not apply to every type of car insurance; therefore, check carefully how you are insured.

Have you only taken out car insurance with third-party coverage? Then damage to your own car, due to your fault, is never covered by the insurance. The insurer will not pay out. Also with limited hull insurance, damage to your own car due to your own fault will not be compensated.

The only coverage you can choose to be reimbursed for damage to the car due to your own fault is full hull insurance. In fact, this is the only type of insurance that pays for all damages, excluding legally excluded cases (such as drunkenness).

cosmetic damage to car

Damage caused by own fault: claim or pay?

When you make a claim, you always have to weigh up whether claiming the damage is worth the higher premium. It could be that the damage is so minor that you are more expensive when you claim the damage. Therefore, always check how many years without claims you have and whether your premium will go up when you claim the damage. Depending on the amount of your deductible and the increase of the premium you can make a decision about paying for the damage. Does the damage amount to only 200 euros? Then it is probably more advantageous to pay the costs yourself.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

It does make sense to claim your loss if the amount exceeds the deductible and premium increase. Don't get a higher premium because you have accumulated so many claim-free years? Then go for claiming the damage.

Before making a choice about claiming, always contact your insurer. They can make a calculation to help you make the choice. This way you can see which choice is the most advantageous for you.

Damage caused by own fault: full casco or not?

Full body insurance is worth considering in some cases. When buying a car less than 6 years old, people often choose to take out full hull insurance. If you are very dependent on the car, full collision insurance may also be wise. Keep in mind that full hull insurance is considerably more expensive than other insurance. Therefore, consider carefully whether you can continue to afford it now and in the future.

Is the car older than 6 years and you don't use it much or the car isn't worth that much anymore? Then it might be better to choose a cheaper car insurance policy.

What does the insurance cover in case of damage caused by own fault?

What your insurer will reimburse you for damage caused by your own fault depends on your car insurance coverage. Below we briefly explain the three coverages:


TPL stands for Third Party Liability. This means that with this coverage only liability damages are reimbursed by the insurer. Liability damage is damage you cause to another person with your car. Damage to your own car due to your own fault does not fall under third-party coverage.

WA limited casco

WA limited casco car insurance is an addition to the legally required WA. With this coverage you are insured for damages you cannot control, such as fire, storm, joyriding and theft. Do you have limited casco coverage? Then unfortunately the insurer will not reimburse damage caused by your own fault.


All-risk coverage is the most comprehensive coverage for car insurance. With this you are also insured for so-called one-sided damages, such as when you drive into a pole or make an error of judgement while parking. Claiming a damage has consequences for your premium discount and claim-free years. So always check carefully whether it is wise to claim the damage or whether it would be better to pay for the repairs yourself.

Calculate and compare car insurance premiums in 4 steps

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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