Damage by car wash: am I insured?
Wash the car yourself by hand, or have it washed at the car wash? Which would you rather choose? Because of the convenience and speed with which you can get the job done at the car wash, many people choose the latter option. But is it really smart to have your car washed at the car wash?
Risk of damage
Although techniques in the car wash have greatly improved compared to several years ago, the risk of damage is still present. You won't be the first to miss a mirror or antenna when exiting the carwash. However, if you drive your car into the car wash damage-free, you naturally expect it to come out damage-free. But what if this is not the case? Can you then hold the car wash company liable or will it be covered by your car insurance?
Own fault
To make the process of washing your car quick and easy, follow the instructions given when you drive into the car wash. Are you not doing this and your car suffers damage in the car wash? Or are you informed in advance that your car is not suitable for the car wash? Then you yourself are liable for the damage. At that moment, you are only insured if you have a car insurance with WA+Casco (All-risk) coverage.
Do I use the car wash at my own risk?
Have you followed the staff's instructions and still have damage to the car when it comes out of the car wash? Then there can be quite a discussion. The car wash company can point out that using the car wash is at your own risk. But does the car wash company get away with this so easily? The is answer is no. You will never find a sign saying Use at your own risk at carwash companies affiliated with the BOVAG. Carwashes that are affiliated with BOVAG have general terms and conditions that clearly describe the responsibilities of both parties. Unless the customer himself is to blame for the car damage, compensation is paid up to a maximum amount of approximately €4500.
I have damage... and now?
If you suspect that the car has sustained damage in the car wash, report it immediately to the car wash manager. Of course, it is important that you come up with evidence that proves that the damage was actually caused by the carwash. Besides informing the carwash manager, you should therefore immediately record the damage by taking pictures. In addition, together with the car wash staff, fill out a claim form and collect witnesses if possible. Finally, legal expenses insurance will, of course, help you recover damages.
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