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What should I do in case of car theft?

You don't want to think about it; your car has been stolen. Very annoying of course, but what do you have to do when your car is stolen? In any case, you must report the theft to us.

What to do in case of car theft

When your car is stolen, it is important to take action quickly. The first thing to do is to report the theft of your car to the police. To be able to make the report, the police need the following information from you. Make sure you have this to hand:

  • Registration certificate
  • Brand, type and registration number
  • Current value of the car
  • Mileage
  • Place where the car was stolen
  • Special features of the car

The police inform RDW that your car has been stolen. As long as your car is stolen, you are not liable for the obligations associated with the car. From that moment on, you no longer pay any motor vehicle tax and you are also no longer responsible for any damage caused by the vehicle. After reporting your vehicle to the police, you can report it as missing to the VBV (Insurance Bureau for Vehicle Crime). This way your vehicle will also be registered nationally as missing and the chances of recovering your vehicle will increase.

Car theft

Auto theft coverage insurance is it convenient?

After reporting the theft, the next step is to inform your insurer or agent that you have become a victim of car theft. The insurer will then register your number with the RDW and suspend your car insurance. Suspending an insurance policy means that your insurance is suspended for a short period of time and that you no longer have to pay any premium. Whether you are insured under WA or All-Risk, in all cases it is important to contact your insurer. Only then will you not be liable for any damage caused with your vehicle.

If you are insured under WA, you are not covered for damage resulting from theft. Only in cases of WA-limited casco and WA-casco (all-risk) are you in many cases insured against damage resulting from theft. Do you want to know exactly how much you are insured for? For all the details, take a look at the policy values of your car insurance.

Get car insurance? Calculate your premium!

What amount is reimbursed?

Is your vehicle not recovered within 30 days? Then the insurance company will pay a certain amount. This amount depends on your coverage. Are you insured for WA-restricted casco or WA-casco? Then there are a number of options:

  1. New Value Scheme: you get an amount with which you can buy the same car new.
  2. Purchase Value Scheme: you get the amount you paid for your used car.
  3. Equivalent car scheme: you get an amount to buy an equivalent car.
  4. Daily value settlement: you are paid the current value of the stolen car

Were there any items in the car at the time of theft? For example, a child's seat or a phone holder? Unfortunately, these items are often not reimbursed. Always check your policy conditions to be sure. Is your car stolen during the holiday? Then your belongings from the car are often covered by travel insurance.

Car recovered after 30 days

If your car is found within 30 days and you can drive in it again, the police will inform the RDW. Please note! From that moment on, you also have an insurance obligation again. If the coverage of your car insurance has been suspended, you can contact your insurer and report that your car has been found. This way your insurance can be reactivated. If you have already received a payment from the insurer and your car is found, this amount must be refunded.

Tips to prevent car theft

How do you prevent your car from being stolen? Of course it can never be completely prevented. But you can make it as difficult as possible for thieves or burglars. For example, you can secure your car.

Read also:

Compare premiums online for cheap car insurance!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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