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Home Theft theft insured

Is theft from my car insured?

Theft from your car is obviously very unpleasant. After recovering from the shock, you want to know what has been taken by the thieves and what you may be reimbursed by insurance. Whether you are insured for theft from your car depends on your car insurance coverage.

Car theft insurance

What to do if my car has been stolen?

It is important that, after discovering the theft, you always report it to the police immediately. Then contact your insurer or agent as soon as possible. They will ask you to fill out a European claim form and send it to them. Send as much evidence as possible, such as photos of the damage.
Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Theft from your car is not always covered by your car insurance. If you only have third-party coverage, theft from your car will not be compensated. With a WA limited casco or all-risk coverage you do get compensation. The damage to the car caused by the thief will be compensated. All parts supplied by the factory are covered. Insurers stipulate the condition that the theft must be proved by traces of breaking and entering. There may be a maximum amount. This can be found in the policy conditions of the car insurance.

Other items you put in the car yourself are usually not covered. You can sometimes take out additional insurance for this. This insurance will cover the items you put in the car yourself. One condition is that you minimize the chance of theft. So don't visibly leave items in your car!

Sometimes stolen items from the car are covered under the out-of-home coverage of your contents insurance. Do you have a current home contents insurance policy? Then it is wise to check the policy conditions of this insurance. For compensation, traces of breaking and entering must be present. If there are no signs of forced entry, the contents insurance will unfortunately not provide coverage.

Theft from car without breaking and entering

Theft from the car without breakage damage, is not covered by your car insurance. Even if you are not reimbursed for anything, it is important that you always report it. This way the police can try to track down the perpetrators. With that, you can recover the damage you incurred from the perpetrators.

In addition, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of being reimbursed by the insurance company. Try to prove the theft through surveillance footage that captured the break-in. Find out if there have been more car break-ins in the neighborhood. If there are frequent nuisances in the neighborhood, the police can take additional measures and mobilize the neighborhood to reduce and prevent future burglaries. In addition, always check carefully that your car is locked. Do not leave valuables in your car and make sure it is properly secured.

Is securing my car convenient?

Theft from your car is something you want to prevent the most, of course. There are a number of things you can do to minimize the chances of theft from your car. On this page: Securing your car against burglary, we explain what you can do to prevent theft from your car.

Do you have questions or want to know more about your car insurance coverage? If so, please contact us. We will be happy to help you! We can be reached Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00 on telephone number 088-6883700.

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Limited airframe

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Calculate car insurance premium

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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