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What to do if you lose your RDW release certificate?

When you sell your car, you always get a indemnity certificate when you transfer the registration number. The release certificate is a document that shows that the car has changed hands. With this you can prove that the license plate is no longer in your name and that you are therefore no longer liable for the obligations of a license plate holder, such as the MOT, road tax and car insurance. Have you lost the release certificate? Then you can request an extract from the RDW. At Alpina.nl you can read exactly how this works.

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lost indemnity certificate

Lost license: request a new one via RDW

If you have lost your release certificate, you can request an extract of your personal data in the RDW vehicle registration register through the RDW. This extract consists of all registered personal and vehicle data up to 9 years ago. The costs for requesting an extract are €4.50. You cannot request a new indemnification certificate because the RDW only issues it once. Therefore, you will receive an extract if you have lost your release certificate.

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How to apply for a new indemnity certificate?

You can request an extract in two ways: online or in writing. If you need to request a certificate of indemnification as a next of kin, this can only be done in writing. Do you request the extract in writing? Then keep in mind that there is a processing time of 9 working days. If you request the extract online, you will have immediate access to your data.


Would you like to request the extract online? Then you can follow the following steps:

  1. On the RDW website, go to Overview of registered vehicles up to 9 years ago
  2. Log in with your DigiD credentials
  3. Pay the costs of €4.50 via IDEAL
  4. You will then receive the excerpt in Pdf format. You can download the extract and save and print it yourself. You have 40 days to do this, after that the file will no longer be available


You can also choose to request the extract in writing. In that case, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Mail your request for an extract to iv@rdw.nl. In this request, include your BSN number, name, address, place of residence, date of birth, the date of your payment and the account number you used to pay.
  2. Are you sending this request as a survivor? Then you must also enclose a certificate of inheritance. You can only obtain this if the distribution of the inheritance is arranged through a notary public. If you cannot obtain a certificate of inheritance, an (extensive) extract from the Basic Registration of Persons will suffice.
  3. You transfer the amount of €4.50 to account number 47 72 63 054 - IBAN NL76ABNA0477263054 in the name of the RDW in Veendam. With the payment you mention the following points:
  • Your name, address and place of residence
  • What it is about, in this case an 'overview of vehicles up to 9 years ago'.
  • The date of your letter or email
  1. Once the RDW has received your application and payment, you will receive the data by mail within 9 business days.

Calculate your car insurance premium right away!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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