What is a waiver?
Claim-free years are personal. This means that if you and your partner own a car together, only one person accrues claim-free years, namely the person in whose name the car insurance is registered. To prevent one of you from being left without claim-free years in a divorce, claim-free years can be (partially) awarded to an ex-partner. For this, you need a waiver. In this article we explain what a waiver is and how claim-free years can be transferred with it.
Transferring claim-free years with a waiver
In case of a divorce it is possible to allocate (part of) the claim-free years to an ex-partner. When you have a car together, the car insurance is always in the name of one of the two partners. The other person therefore does not build up claim-free years, even if they use the car just as often, or perhaps even more often. In case of a divorce, one of the partners would have no claim-free years and would therefore have to pay much more for a new car insurance.
With a waiver it is possible to grant claim-free years to an ex-partner. In that case you literally give up the claim-free years, because then you cannot use these years yourself anymore. It is not possible to copy claim-free years. You can compare it with money: if you have 20 euros and you give your partner 10 euros, you will also have 10 euros left over. If you give your partner 20 euros, you won't even have anything left.
Waiver of claim-free years example
In order to transfer your claim-free years, you need a waiver. But what exactly does a waiver look like? A waiver is a form with some questions. You fill in the personal details of both the holder of the claim-free years and the receiver. With a waiver you declare to transfer the accumulated claim-free years to your ex-partner, so that you can no longer derive rights from the previously accumulated years. Without the holder's signature claim-free years cannot be transferred. An ex-partner cannot simply claim the claim-free years without the other party's agreement. You also fill in some details about the policy. Finally, both parties sign the waiver. Below you can download a waiver as a PDF file.
Claim-free years transferable since 1-1-2022
Since 1 January 2022, claim-free years are transferable in certain situations. In case of death for example, they can be transferred to the surviving partner. Also for lease drivers and drivers who have lived abroad for years, it is now possible to transfer the claim-free years. This way, they do not lose their accumulated claim-free years. In our blogpost you can read more about this new regulation.
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