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What is a no-claims table?

A no-claim table is also known as a bonus-malus ladder. A no-claim table is, as the name suggests, a table that insurers use to determine the no-claim discount for your car insurance. The discount you receive depends on the number of no-claim years you have accumulated. The more claim-free years you have, the higher you are in the no-claim table and the more no-claim discount you receive. Each insurer has its own bonus-malus scheme and its own no-claim table. As a result, there may be differences in discount between different insurers.

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no-claims table

How does it work?

The no-claim system works like a reward system that rewards claim-free driving by the insurer. The more no-claim years you have, the higher the discount. Each year that you do not claim any damage with the insurer, you move up one rung on the ladder. The discount can amount to as much as 80% on the basic premium. However, you can also sink back down the ladder. This happens when you claim damage from the insurer. For every claim you make, you lose 5 claim-free years. Although the decline in claim-free years is the same for each insurer, the discount or surcharge may vary. How much discount or surcharge you receive can be seen in your insurer's no-claim table.

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Where can I find the no-claims table?

Each insurer may use its own no-claims table. This means that both the number of steps on the ladder as well as the maximum no-claim discount may differ per insurer. It can also differ per insurer on which step of the bonus malus ladder you start. Have you built up 5 no-claim years? With one insurer you start at step 10 and with another at step 11. Just like any other ladder, the bonus malus ladder has an upper step. If you are on this step, you have reached the top (the maximum discount). You still build up claim-free years, but these no longer count towards the no-claim discount. People on the top step can have 15 claim-free years, but also 30.

Are you looking for the no-claims table of your insurer? You will always find this in the policy conditions of your car insurance. The insurance policy that you receive each year from the insurer states how many claim-free years you have built up, on which step you are and how much no-claim discount you have.

Claim-free years transferable since 1-1-2022

Since 1 January 2022, claim-free years are transferable in certain situations. In case of death for example, they can be transferred to the surviving partner. Also for lease drivers and drivers who have lived abroad for years, it is now possible to transfer the claim-free years. This way, they do not lose their accumulated claim-free years. In our blogpost you can read more about this new regulation.

Calculate your car insurance premium immediately!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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