Where can I look up my claim-free years?
Your claim-free years are registered in the Roy Data database. Claim-free years are the years in which you have not claimed any damage from your insurer. For every claim-free year you increase 1 bonus malus step. The higher you climb on the bonus malus ladder, the more discount you will receive on your premium. Therefore, having claim-free years makes a big difference for the car insurance. When you take out a new car insurance, you have to pass on your claim-free years. Without your claim-free years we cannot give you a good indication of the insurance premium. Don't you know how many claim-free years you have? Then you can look it up in different ways. In this article we explain how the claim-free years are looked up.
Look up claim-free years in Roy Data
Roy Data is the central database of Stichting EPS (Efficient Processes Schadeverzekeraars). When you cancel a car insurance, the insurer registers your accumulated claim-free years. If you then take out a new car insurance, your new insurer will consult the Roy Data database to see how many claim-free years you have. This means that when you take out a new insurance policy you no longer need to supply a paper statement. Your data in Roy Data is accessible for both insurers and yourself. You can look up your claim-free years by submitting an application via the website of Stichting EPS. To do so, you need to fill in the inspection form and send it in digitally together with a copy of your proof of identity. It may take some time before you get insight into your claim-free years. This takes a maximum of 28 days.
Claim-free years from the insurer
Claim-free years will only be recorded in Roy Data once the insurance has been terminated. This means that the claim-free years built up during a current car insurance are not yet visible in Roy Data. Your car insurer should let you know annually how many claim-free years you have. Your claim-free years are therefore also shown on your policy schedule, which you receive every year. You can also request your claim-free years from your car insurer or intermediary.
Look up previous claim-free years
Claim-free years are not valid indefinitely. After termination of a car insurance, claim-free years are valid for 3 years with most insurers. This means that you have to take out a new insurance policy within 3 years, where you can use the claim-free years. If you do not do so, you will lose the claim-free years. It also means that you cannot always look up previous claim-free years. If they have expired, they will not be shown in Roy Data either. The period of validity of claim-free years can differ per insurer. With some they are only valid for 2 years after cancelling, with others 4 to 5 years. You can check this in the policy conditions of your car insurance.
Claim-free years transferable since 1-1-2022
Since 1 January 2022, claim-free years are transferable in certain situations. In case of death for example, they can be transferred to the surviving partner. Also for lease drivers and drivers who have lived abroad for years, it is now possible to transfer the claim-free years. This way, they do not lose their accumulated claim-free years. In our blogpost you can read more about this new regulation.
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