Can I take over claim-free years?
You are probably familiar with the term claim-free years. Claim-free years are years in which you do not claim any damage from your insurer. For every year that you do not claim any damage, you receive one claim-free year. These claim-free years provide you with a premium discount of up to 80% on the basic premium.
Claim-free years are personal. So you only build up claim-free years if there is a car insurance policy in your name. However, in some situations it is possible to take over claim-free years from someone else. In this article on we explain in which situations you can take over claim-free years.
Can I transfer claim-free years in the event of a death?
If you share a car with your partner, but your partner is the policyholder, you do not build up claim-free years yourself. However, as of January 1, 2022, claim-free years are transferable in some situations, for example upon the death of your partner. When your partner dies and you take over the car, the car insurance is transferred to your name. Without your own claim-free years, a car insurance is a lot more expensive and that while you might have been driving without any claims for years. In that case you can take over the claim-free years of your partner, so that you do not have to start all over again with building up claim-free years. Conditions for this are that you were registered at the same address as the deceased and that you are in possession of a valid driving licence.
Carry over claim-free years in divorce?
It is also possible to take over claim-free years in the event of a divorce. In the event of a divorce, claim-free years can be divided between the ex-partners. The partner who has the pure claim-free years in his or her name determines the distribution key. This partner must submit a waiver statement to the insurer, with which he or she literally waives the claim-free years. In this way you avoid that one of the two partners is left without claim-free years.
Transfer claim-free years from a leased car?
Since this year, it is also possible to transfer damage-free years accumulated with a lease car to a new car insurance. When you have a lease car, the car and the car insurance are in the name of the lease company. Therefore you do not build up any claim-free years yourself. Nowadays, lease drivers can use a lease declaration to have their claims-free years entered in Roy-data by the insurer. In the past, insurers handled lease certificates in different ways. They did not always grant claim-free years, but sometimes only a premium discount. This is less favourable, because you lose this premium discount when you switch to another insurer. Also if you have had a car insurance abroad with which you have accrued claim-free years, you can take these with you to a new car insurance in the Netherlands.
How does the transfer of claim-free years work?
Taking over claim-free years works differently in every situation. If your partner has died, you can contact your car insurer to transfer the policy to your name and take over the claim-free years. In case of a divorce you have to be able to show the insurer a waiver in which one of the partners renounces (part of) the claim-free years. After a lease period you have to be able to show the insurer a lease declaration and when you have driven a car abroad for a certain period of time, your car insurer abroad can draw up a declaration for you. You can show this to your insurer in the Netherlands.
Do you still have questions about the transfer of claim-free years? Or about taking out a car insurance? Please contact us! We are available Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00 on 088 - 6883700. You can also send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.
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