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How can I apply for a home charging station?

As an individual, you may always install your own charging station for your electric car on your own property or in your garage. You do not have to ask permission for this. So there is no question of requesting a charging post for home; you may always place it at home, provided it is on your own property. However, not everyone has the opportunity to install a charging station on their own property. You can then request a public charging station from the municipality. At Alpina.nl we will tell you more about applying for a charging station.

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requesting a charging station

How does a home charging station work?

You do not need to ask permission from your local authority to install a charging station at home. You can purchase one yourself. You choose the charge point and arrange for it to be installed. Installing a charge point is an electrical installation. High voltage and current are used, which can make it dangerous to install the charge post yourself. In addition, cables must be pulled, the charge point is connected and adjustments must be made in the meter box. This requires special certifications. Therefore, it is best to use a certified installer. You choose the charge point yourself. However, there are many different charging stations on the market, so it can be difficult to choose the right one. Not sure what kind of charging station to buy? An installer can give you good advice.

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Requesting a public charging station

Do you have no room to install a charging station on your own property to charge your electric car? Then you can request a public charge point. You can do this at your local council. Whether your local authority grants permission depends on its policy rules. You must always apply for a permit to place a charge point next to a parking space. On your local authority's website you can often find more information about applying for a public charge point. They also list the requirements for applying. One requirement is often that you do not have the possibility to install a charge point on your own property. If you contact your municipality, they can tell you everything you need to know about applying for a charge point.

Get instant car insurance for your electric car at Alpina.nl!

An electric car is an expensive car, you want to insure it well. That is why people often choose an all-risk car insurance. Because of the expensive battery, but also because of the relatively high repair costs. With an all-risk car insurance, you are insured for most damage and theft, also for damage caused by your own fault.

Do you have questions about insuring your electric car? Then please do not hesitate to contact us! We are available Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00 on 030 - 688 37 00. You can also send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.

Calculate your car insurance premium immediately!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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