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difference between accident passenger insurance and casualty passenger insurance?

Both are passenger insurance policies that you can purchase as a supplement to your auto insurance policy. Accidental occupant insurance is a sum insurance policy. Sum insurance means that benefits are based on predetermined amounts. If a passenger - as a result of an accident - dies or suffers permanent disability, a benefit follows. This is not insurance that pays for the entire claim.

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The passenger indemnity insurance is a damage insurance. With this insurance, the actual damage suffered is reimbursed. The damages are determined in the same way as with the liability insurance. The difference is that the passenger indemnity insurance pays out regardless of who is to blame for the accident. The driver at fault is therefore also compensated for his/her damages under the passenger indemnity insurance.

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Accident insurance

Damage insurance for passengers

Pay the agreed amount once in the event of death and permanent disability (total or partial) pays for all actual material damage and personal injury incurred in the accident, provided that such damage is not compensated for on another insurance policy (in the alternative) and up to a maximum of the sum insured
Sum insured discussed and determined in advance (in case of partial and permanent disablement not the full sum insured but a percentage thereof after examination by the occupational physician and in accordance with the Gliedertaxe) All actual damage (in the alternative) suffered by the occupants up to a maximum of EUR 1 million
Psychological injury is not covered In most cases, compensation/psychic injury is included in the insurance.
Payment is independent of the person(s) who may be held liable for the collision. One can hold the (insurer of the) perpetrator liable and this insurer is not allowed to deduct the OI payment. Actual damages are paid and insurer can recover paid damages from liable party (insurer)
No link between amount paid and actual damage suffered Damages paid are the actual damages suffered and proven

In addition to accident and passenger indemnity insurance, there are other supplementary insurances. Click here for more information.

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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