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Daily value of car

The daily value of a car is the amount your car is worth at that time. You will need this value if the car is totaled or stolen. It is also useful to know the current current daily value when buying or selling a car. When choosing the right car insurance, the vehicle's daily value can also be important. Less comprehensive coverage is often chosen for a car with a limited daily value than for a car with a high daily value. In this article at Alpina.nl , we will tell you more about the daily value of a car and how to calculate it.

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daily value of the car

What is daily value of the car?

The current market value is the amount of money that a car is worth at the time the value is determined. In other words, the current market value is the present value of the car. The amount of the current market value depends on various factors, such as the year of manufacture, mileage and wear and tear. Accessories also count towards the current market value. If you have just bought the car, the current market value is in principle equal to the purchase price of the car. The current market value can be important when calculating the premium for a car insurance. The current market value also plays an important role in case of damage. Car damage will be repaired, unless the repair costs are higher than the current market value of the car. In that case you will be paid the current market value of the car. The car is then a total loss.

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What is the current value of my car?

Did you know that immediately after you buy a new car, you already lose a significant amount on its value? For example, a new car is worth €25,000. As soon as the car is in your name, the car is second-hand. The value can already have dropped to € 22,500. You don't buy a car as an investment either, but the value of the car can make a big difference when settling a claim. You can calculate the daily value of your car online at Alpina.nl. This way you will know within minutes what the daily value of your car is. Moreover, you can calculate your car insurance premium directly with us.

How is it calculated?

The current value of a car is calculated on the basis of a number of factors. These include:

  • The make and type of car
  • The year of construction
  • The current mileage
  • State of repair
  • Accessories

Do you want to know the current value of a used car? With the help of the license plate, you can already find out a lot of information about the car. Moreover, the advertisement often already contains a lot of information that you need to calculate the current value.

Calculate your car insurance premium immediately!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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