Can I download my green card?
Most insurers no longer send the green card, but make sure you can download it online. The green card is an international insurance certificate. After taking out a car insurance policy, your agent or insurer will send you the green card. This is often done by e-mail, but you can also download it from the insurer's website. You can then print the green card yourself and keep it. In the Netherlands you are not obliged to keep the green card in the car, but in some other countries you are. A digital green card will not suffice. In this article we explain how you can download your green card.
Green card no longer green since 1 July 2020
In the past, the green card always had to be printed on green paper. Hence the name green card. However, since 1 July 2020, this has changed. This has to do with the digitalisation at the insurance company. Nowadays, the green card may also be printed on white paper. This means that many insurers will no longer send you the green card, but will make sure that you can download and print it yourself. It is expected that the green card will only be used digitally in the future, but that is not the case at the moment. In the Netherlands the digital green card is valid, but in some other countries a paper green card is still obligatory.
Download and print your own green card
In some European countries it is still compulsory to carry a paper green card. Here a digital Green Card is not accepted. However, the paper green card does not have to be green, as a black and white print is also valid. This means that you can download and print the green card yourself. You need a paper green card in the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Belarus. In Bulgaria a paper green card is not compulsory, but recommended.
Download from insurer
The insurer will usually send you the green card by e-mail, but you can also often download it from the insurer's website. Often you will find a personal environment where you can log in to view your insurance details. Here you can also find your policy conditions and other matters concerning your car insurance. You will receive the green card at the start of your insurance. In principle, a Green Card is valid for one year. However, most Green Cards are valid for 13 months. Every year, when renewing the insurance policy, the insurer will automatically send you a new green card.
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